13~The Truth

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"You said that you dated the guy you saw" Magnus said now looking up at Stiles

"Magnus I-" Stiles started

"No, I'm the only guy Alexander has ever been with" Magnus stood up "That means-"

"Magnus no, Alec did nothing okay, it wasn't his fault"

"All the times when I talked about Alec you acted like you didn't know him, you just sat there and pretended like nothing happened between the both of you" Stiles didn't know what to say so he thought the best route was to stay quiet "When?" Magnus whispered

"What?" Stiles asked

"When did it start?!?!" Magnus demanded


"WHEN DID IT START?!?!" He shouted

"Magnus it's okay" Jace tried to calm him down placing his hand on Magnus' shoulder

"No Jace it is not okay" Magnus said turning to look at Jace "There's a possibility my husband cheated on me and he isn't telling me" he gritted his teeth

"You'll find out okay just-"

"He was working on a story" Stiles whispered

"What?" Magnus asked

"I was his story" Stiles said

"What story?" Magnus asked

"Supernatural" he said

"Stiles did you-?" Scott started

"I didn't tell him anything, I swear" Stiles said

"I feel a little lost here, am I the only one?" Simon asked from his spot on the couch

"All I wanted to know is if my husband cheated on me, and now you're on about the bloody supernatural" Magnus said "I remember him telling me that he had a big story I guess it was you" Magnus began to walk out

"Magnus stop I'm sorry" Stiles said pulling Magnus back by his arm

"NO" he yelled "I finally have my answer, I don't wanna speak with you right now" he pulled the door open crashing into Maryse on the way out

"Magnus?" She exclaimed turning around to see him storming out the house

"Mom?" Jace said, she turned back round at everyone

"It's Alec" she smiled tears falling down her face "His graves empty" she said with excitement, the three boys just stared at her "Did you hear me? I said Alec's grave is empty! He's alive! Alec is alive!" Maryse stated

Magnus took the first chance he got and slid into his car, he didn't care about anything right now, he didn't care what happened in the past he just wanted to see Alexander, he needed to see him. So he drove down to where he knew Stiles was a few weeks ago without no stops the whole way, luckily there was no traffic on the way so it took him no time whatsoever, not that Magnus was looking at the time during the drive down.

It was 7:37pm and Magnus was currently parked outside the little restaurant, he'd been sitting in his car for the past hour contemplating what he should do, and trying to work out what he'd say. During the time he's been sat there he's watched people enter and exit the restaurant with big grins on their faces. Magnus thought to himself it's now or never as he stepped out his car door when he saw a person turn a sign on the door that said they were now 'Closed'.

Magnus didn't care about the sign and walked forward shutting his car door, he walked towards the little building and when he got there he looked through the glass door to see the lights were still on. He pushed the door and it opened, the person here mustn't have locked it yet. He entered to see Alec with his back to him cleaning tables, and picking up some rubbish. He slowly made his way towards him not believing what he was seeing right now. Magnus sniffled causing Alec to turn around and look at him, they both just stared at each other, the room was silent, no one said anything.

Memories from Magnus' past came rushing back to him like a waterfall when Alec turned to look at him. Seeing his face, made everything seem okay again. He remembered back to when he first met Alec, their first kiss, first date, the first time he got to hold their daughter; Ava.

"Alec?" He put all the rubbish back down on the table after that and straitened himself up and just stared back at Magnus
Published~August 27, 2018

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