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"Hi" was the first thing Magnus said when Stiles got back home that day

"Hey" He said back as he walked over and engulfed Magnus in a hug

"Oof" Magnus said chuckling "Hey what's this for?" he asked rubbing Stiles' back

"I just....really love you" he told Magnus as he pulled back

"I love you too" Magnus laughed as he got engulfed in another hug "So how was your little time over in wherever you were I've forgot" he asked walking over to the couch

"It was um...pretty boring" he replied

"Yeah tell me about it?" Magnus said as he pulled Stiles down to sit beside him

"Nothing exciting you know, just ran into some old people I used to know" he said looking away

"Anyone worth mentioning" Magnus asked

"No, no one important, you wouldn't care about him to be honest" he lied

"Him?" Magnus asked nudging Stiles' shoulder

"Someone I used to be involved with, no one worth mentioning at all, you should just forget I ever brought him up" he said getting up to go make himself a drink

Magnus watched him leave not being able to help but think that he wasn't getting the full story. He decided to pry a little deeper knowing something was up with him.

"Hey um, you sure you don't wanna tell me more about this past man in your life" Magnus asked shouting to make sure he could hear him from the kitchen

"Yeah I'm good, I just..." Stiles said walking back in looking down at the glass in his hands roaming the rim of the cup

"Just what?" Magnus asked watching his fiancé closely

"Confused?" He said but it sounded more like a question he was asking himself rather than an answer to Magnus' question

"Confused about what?"

"I just, had no clue he was still around anymore"

What was that supposed to mean? Magnus thought to himself but decided to let it slide

"Well you must be hungry after your long drive, let me make dinner" He said as he walked out

And as soon as he left Stiles let out a sigh of discomfort that he didn't know needed to be let out. He covered his mouth feeling like he could scream any second now. He let his hand leave his mouth when he was sure he was safe and no longer needed to scream. He felt terrible about this, what was he supposed to do though. Tell Magnus and risk the chance of him leaving him, he couldn't do that, that isn't selfish is it? Ugh he just felt like punching something.

He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard Magnus call him into the kitchen to give him some help.



The next day Magnus was called down to the station again saying that they needed to speak with him after last time. And since Magnus was going Stiles decided to go too.

"I thought you were suspended" Magnus asked him

"Don't worry about it, all's good, they weren't being serious" Stiles waved him off as they drove towards the station


"Oh I was being 100% honest, you're suspended" the sheriff stated with his hands on ether side of him

"You must be joking right now" Stiles asked

"No I am not joking right now Stilinski, I don't lie about suspensions. I shouldn't even be letting you in the station right now, you're lucky you haven't been thrown out yet" he said

"Fine, I'll come back next week then. Is that better for you sheriff?" Stiles asked

"Yes it it"

"I'm sorry to break this conversation, but you called me down here?" Magnus asked

"Oh yes, this is about pressing charges" the sheriff said

"On who?" Magnus asked

"Jonathan Morgernstern"

"I don't know about that, the story he said..." Magnus said

"Exactly it's just a story that he made up, no one can come back from the dead come on" Magnus said

"I know it's just-" Magnus began

"Just what? Come on Magnus there's no way he's telling the truth, I'm sorry but you know he isn't coming back" Stiles lied once again

"I guess your right, I was just clinging onto the idea that he could be alive you know. Back in all our lives, happy. I know this is weird and all but you would have loved Alec, everyone that talks to him just falls in love with him within a second" Magnus said smiling to himself looking down at the floor

When he looked down memories flooded Stiles' mind, because he knew exactly what Magnus was on about even if no one else did.

"I'm sure I would have loved him"
Published~August 10, 2018
I know don't hate me for making Stiles lie but it has to do with the story. Keep on reading if you want to see where this story is heading. Thank you for reading, love you guys, xxx.

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