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Christina and Morgan are coming home for a few days maybe couple of weeks. Jessie says.

Yes! I say.

Actually a few weeks its Christmas so that's why. Jessie says.


Kids we are all going to Hogwarts. Mum says.

Okay? Emma says and we use floopowder.

We are now in the great hall

Students today we have a very special event. Dumbledore started.

Maddie do you remember how when you where adopted you were worried about never being able to see your bestfriend again. Mum starts.

Yeah. I say slightly worried.

Well now not only can you see her but you also have a new sister. Mum finishes.

I smile brightly as Luna runs over and attacks me with a hug.

Best Christmas gift ever. I say smiling along with Luna.

Let's go home! Jessie says smiling.

Thank you Dumbledore! I smile and I run over and hug my godfather Hagrid.

Maddie PinesWhere stories live. Discover now