Ginny Will Live

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Ginny! GINNY WAKE UP! I said shaking her.

What are we up against? Dipper asked.

Grunkle Fords journal! The second one! The giant snake he wrote about.

I take the journal out and read.

The venom of the basilisk is poisonous. If you find the basilisk you can possibly use the venom against it if you can stab it with something.

Tom you've got to help me. Harry said as a figure walked up.

Tom. Tom Riddle. you opened it! I said to the person pointing my wand at them.

Well your half right. Tom said throwing the diary on the floor.


Give me my wand tom. Harry said noticing he had his wand.

Harry! He's evil! I said.

Tom Marvolo Riddle. I am Lord Voldermort. Dipper said.

I'll kill you! I PROMISE I WILL KILL VOLDERMORT! I yell at voldy.

I then go to give voldermort the finger.

Voldermort sends his basilisk to attack harry and I am standing ready to fight him as Harry runs.

The little Hufflepuff pines and her brother against voldermort. Riddle says.

I grab my pen and turn it to a sword a weapon I made after reading Percy Jackson.

Voldermort will return alive. Little Pines and Potter die tonight. Voldy said as Harry ran in.

I don't plan to die yet. I mean my family's worst enemy is still alive in the mindscape I'll die when Bill Cipher is dead. I said

As the basilisk ran in I used my sword and stabbed it before it could reach Dipper. My sword got covered in the venom.

I then grab the diary from Gins and and stab it with the sword.

Ron Mabel and Luna all run into it I guess Luna blasted a hole in the bricks.

They where being chased by a ravenclaw. Cipher.

Well well well ready to give up the journal? Will Cipher says.

Never. I spat.

As Cipher points his wand at Ron saying "guess someone close will have to pay.

I push ron behind me and get hit with the curse " Sectumsempra".

Everything goes black.

Dipper POV:

Cipher runs off after cursing Maddie being chased up my Mabel and Luna who say they will get up.

Ginny wakes up as harry takes a fang and stabs the rest of the journal voldy vanishes.

Maddie. Ginny says shaking.

Once we get out of the chamber the teachers are waiting and Maddie is sent to the hospital wing .

Harry Dumbledore and Big Malfoy and by Maddie's bed.

She knew who did it. Harry said.

Harry runs out with Malfoy close behind.

It was tom riddle. I say.

Maddie figured it out. I say.

Couple days later

Miss granger. I wake up to poppy saying something.

Are you close to miss pines? She asked.

Yes. I said.

You might want to see something. Poppy said and I noticed someone lying on a bed next to me.

Maddie. I say realizing who it was.

My niece was attacked when saving Ginny with Harry and Dipper. And her siblings of course Ron to. Jessie said.

Maddie's pOV

I started to wake up and realized that Hermione was staring at me.

Is she alive? I ask.

Yes. Jessie said.

Come on Mione. Well miss the feast and I'm hungry. I say and Mione laughs.

As we both walked into the hall nick greatted us with a welcome back.

Harry and Ron ran up and Ron gave me a hug as Harry hugged Hermione.

I went to sit with my siblings at the Gryffindor table who where more than happy over my return.

Hagrid also returned.

We have a few visitors. Who will be here any minute. Dumbledore said as the doors opened.

Grunkle Stan and Ford walked up. They both hurried over to Gryffindor table.

I smiled and gave grunkle ford a hug as Mabel gave a hug to Stan.

Were so glad your okay. Stan said.

The feast went on for awhile and before we knew it the time to go home was coming.

Maddie PinesWhere stories live. Discover now