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I'm sitting in defense against the dark arts class ready to see what will happen. I'm next to Dipper and Mabel.

Lockheart walks in and introduces himself way over the actual need. Me and Ron share a look saying "are you kidding me?".

What is lockhearts favorite color?
Black just like his soul.

What is lockheart greatest acivement?
Being sorted into a house. I thought Hogwarts only accepted smart people.

What is in your opinion lockhearts greatest achievement.
Again being sorted into a house. I'm just glad he isn't in my house and feel sorry for the ravenclaws

The questions went on like that and so did the answers.

Miss granger knew that my favorite color is lilac while some others like miss pines had quite rude answers.

I raised my hand and he said 'yes'.

I'm pretty sure my answers where correct. I said.

Then during lunch I read the answers to my whole house. We had a lot of laughs.

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