Exploring Hogwarts

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Come on let's go look around! I say to Dipper.

We are sitting in the common room and its finally the weekend so we have the day without classes.

To the Gryffindor common room! Mabel says and we take off.

We go in the common room and I see Ginny writing in a book of hers.

Ginny! Wanna go explore? I ask.

Sorry I can't right now I will later. She says in a odd tone. She then keeps talking.

You wanna play Minecraft? I ask.

No we can hang out later. She says and I nod.

Ginny never turns down a chance to play Minecraft. Something's wrong.

Let's just walk around. Mabel says.

We always have to have someone around because Cipher could attack at any time. Dipper says.

Yeah. I agree knowing Dipper is right.

its time for lunch in a hour. I say.

We should head on to the great hall then. Luna says as we all walk together.

As we are walking to the great hall we get stopped by malfoy and his friends.

Yes? Can we help you? I say sarcastically.

You think you could possibly help me? No way. Malfoy says.
Yeah your right, only thing you need help with is getting a brain and your beyond help with that. Goodbye. I say and the 4 of us walk away and I look back and he has a silly face when he realizes what I said.

Maddie PinesWhere stories live. Discover now