Chapter 5

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Achilles POV

As I open my eyes, I find the beautiful Beyoncé in my arms peacefully asleep. I study the natural beauty of her body. She is perfect. Every curve and edge of her was perfect. I shudder at the thought of her with another man. I won't let her go, not even until the day I die. She is mine, last night I've claimed her as mine. No man will ever touch her. Not while I'm breathing. I will never ever stop loving her. I begin to stand up, trying not to disturb her. As I am dressed, I then sit down on a stool and drinking wine. Admiring her. I then hear my friend calling me.

"My lord. There's-" I cut Eudorous off by lifting my hand, signaling him to be silent. As he leaves the tent, I follow.
"Tell the men to start loading the ship. We're going home." I say as I walk towards Odysseus. We greet each other by clinking our golden cups of wine.

"Agamemnon is a proud man. And he knows when he has done wrong." He begins.
"The man sent you for his apologies? What are you doing enthralled to that pig of a king?"
"Ithaca cannot afford an enemy like Agamemnon."
"Are we supposed to fear him?"
"You don't fear anyone, that is your problem. Fear is quite useful. Stay Achilles. You were born for this war." I shake my head for 'no'.
"Things are less simple today."
"Women, have a way of complicating things." He says as I turn to look at him.
"Of all the kings, I respect you the most. But in this war, you are a servant."
"Sometimes you have to serve in order to lead. I hope you understand that one day." He then pats my shoulder and leaves.

"We are going home?" I hear Patroclus.
"We sail at daybreak."
"Very well." He says and leaves towards his tent. I then knew he wanted Shakira safe as I also do for Beyoncé. As I return inside my tent, I find Beyoncé awake on the bed dressed in a blue dress that my mother had for some reason given it to me. But I may know now why. She may have visioned it. I then bend down beside the bed. Her eyes were still shut. I then lean for her. As I kiss her I could feel her awake and continue the moment for a little longer.

"Come you must be starving," I say as she rises.

Beyoncé's POV

I feel Achilles' muscular arms wrapped around my body as I sleep. I love the way he feels when he touches me. I felt safe when he is near. Suddenly, I hear the loud horns of war in the distance. I could feel Achilles grip loosen. I could hear the flaps open. I then open my eyes. Finding Achilles nowhere to be seen beside me or in the tent. I then hear shouts and metal clanging. I put on my dress, then as I nearly place my hand on the flaps. They open, and it was not Achilles, but only to be a Trojan soldier. He tightly grips onto my arm. I didn't fight back, I didn't want to provoke him. He then shoved me on a chariot. Taking me away. To Troy.

- That Night -

I was brought into a dark and large cell along with other women from the Greek camp.

"Shakira!" I search for my cousin. Through the herd of servants. Seeking for a hazel brown haired girl. With a lightly tanned, yet pale skin.

"Beyoncé!" I hear her yelling for me. I hug her. At first, I thought that she was either dead or was back at camp. I wonder if Achilles and Patroclus were going to save us by using the Trojan horse.

"Will they come for us?" She asks.
"They will," I say trying not to think otherwise.
"What if they will leave us for another?"
"They won't. Patroclus loves you." I say.

"And what about you and Achilles?" I didn't answer. For some reason, there was something in my head. Telling me he was just using me for my body. I then thought of Achilles finding another woman, or a woman to do his pleasurable needs. But my heart doubted that. I guess the heart wants what it wants.

Achilles POV

I sharpen my sword as I prepare for battle. The Trojans shall rue the day they take Beyoncé away from me. Apparently, the kings have come up with the idea of making a 'gift' for the Trojans. And I plan on using it to get my chance to get Beyoncé back from them.

"My lord. The army is beginning to prepare for the attack." Eudorous tells me. I respond without looking away from my sword.

"Thank you Eudorous." As he leaves, Patroclus enters. Ready for battle.
"Patroclus I need you to stand down."
"I can't do that, not now. Especially, when they have the woman I love." I sigh in annoyance.
"You will stay nearby me." He nods. As he leaves. I think about Beyoncé. I want to spite the heads' of any men that have dared touched her.

- The Next Day -

Beyoncé's POV

I hear cheering in the distance of the city that has over five thousands citizens. If they call them that back three thousand years ago. Those cheers will soon convert into cries and screams of death, and pain. Tonight, Troy will burn.

A guard approaches the cell that holds us captive. As he enters, he gently shoves through the crowd. And takes me. Out of all the women there, he chose me! I was brought into a large chamber. I don't recognize it. Then a young man enters from another room that connects to the chamber.


He glances directly at me. At my body. I look like Helen to you?!

"What is your name?" He asks. I didn't answer. He gently grabs my chin, forcing me to face him.
"Are you with Helen, are you not?" I ask coldly. Two servants enter the chamber with new clothing and some bottles, that I believe are to oils.

"I will see you soon." He says in a gentle tone. As he leaves. The women approach me with caution.

"I do not bite," I say. With that, they then began to feel comfortable around my presence. After bathing, they dress me in a beach golden high low dress. They then place a small golden crown on my head. I suppose I am a royal now? I may not be royal. But I do have money, and I have learned a thing or two from having fame and fortune.

They lead me to a balcony where the King, princes, and princesses sit and enjoy the view of the celebration. I then gaze over the enormous wooden horse. If Achilles were to be in there, then I must prevent him from his death, tonight.

Achilles POV

I look into the crowd to see if I could spot Beyoncé and Shakira. Only to discover a new royal princess. I couldn't get a good look at her face.

"For anyone who brings me the new royal, shall have all the gold they desire," Agamemnon announces to everyone.
"And I want her ALIVE." That pig of king wants to have a princess to himself. I pity for her as she now has a bounty on her. There is just something about her that gives me some instinct.

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