Chapter 11

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One week later...

Beyoncé's POV

After Shakira was released from the hospital three days ago, things were becoming normal. Sorta. Just the fact that we have 69 people from the Trojan War. And now that Shakira was out of the hospital we decided that one of us could stay and watch them while the other could deal with the public. And of course, I was the one who had to go out in public again. Besides, I needed to work on my new album. And discuss whether or not I'm performing for the Super Bowl in June. And let's not forget about the VMA's, METS, Billboard Awards, and other events. And yet I have to deal with that all in less than a week. Starting today!

"Okay, Shakira. Are you absolutely sure about this?" I ask.
"Yes, Bey. Now go before Achilles wakes up and starts protesting about you leaving." She explains in a playful tone.
"Thank you," I reply.
"Your welcome. Now go." She whispers to not wake anyone in the mansion. You would be surprised at how quiet it is when everyone is asleep. Because then you can hear the smallest sound.

It's 5:30 in the morning. Sun hasn't risen. The paparazzi and fans were not active at this time. I drive in my silver Maserati through the dark. Heading towards the recording studio. It was pretty big for something that wasn't a natural part of the ancient culture in Greece.

As I enter, I was met by a familiar voice.
"Good to see you again, Beyoncé." I turn to see where the voice was coming from.


Known for one of the best artists in history. And great vocals for Titanium and Chandelier.
"Are you ready to begin?" I nod.
"Great!" She replies.
"Just head in the room, and signal me when you're ready to record." As I enter the room, I had forgotten what it felt like to be free of writing a song about my emotions, actions, and anything that I believe will make a story.
"Alright, Sia. Show me the beat." I say into the microphone." She plays a strange beat, but it's pretty catchy.

I begin to think of what to write. I feel like there is an instinct hinting me, that it is not about family or love. I'm thinking to notice it's already been about forty minutes.
"I forgot how long it takes just to think about the meaning of the song," I say in the microphone jokingly. Sia chuckles.

It's around seven in the morning, and I have only come up with one word.


I kept thinking over and over again. Then it hit me. I start to write down my thoughts.
"Hey, Sia give me a countdown to the beat and begin recording."
"Alrightie. In's go Queen Bey." She plays. After letting the beat play for about five seconds I began to sing.

For only about five minutes I finished.
"Wow Bey. You are going to inspire the world." She says.
"Especially at the Super Bowl. You are doing it?" She asks.
"Well, I'm actually 'am' considering on performing for the halftime," I say shyly.
"AWWW YES!" She says in joy.
"But we only have about twelve songs done," I admit.
"So? Don't you think twelve is enough?" She asks in a weird tone.
"Well I'm thinking of another song but it's hard to say." I realize it's almost eight.
"I need to go meet up with the dancers!" I say in a rush.
"Thank you, Sia!" I say as I run out the door.
"Anytime!" I hear. As I exit, I find paparazzi again...
"Get back!" My bodyguards tell them. I hope Shakira is ok with watching all sixty-nine people.

Shakira's POV

I turn on the TV in the dining room and see Beyoncé on it. She is now being chased by paparazzi. The maids bring out a large buffet of breakfast. Beyoncé hired nearly twenty-five maids, forty security guards, and eight chefs just to make sure we were ok.
"She sure knows how to spend money," I mumble softly. I watch her get chased down. I then hear footsteps approaching. I'm thinking I know who it is.
"Shakira? Where is she?" He asks in a softly and yet deadly tone.
"Calm yourself Achilles. She will be back tonight." I say not looking into his eyes. I know he gets what he wants when they look into his eyes.
"Achilles. Please. Beyoncé doesn't want you to worry about her. If you want to see, here look at that." I suggested to the TV.
"If your hungry, Achilles. There is plenty of food for you and your men. Just help yourself." I told him. I could tell he just gave up on trying to get answers from me, because of his sigh of defeat. He sits next to me on the left of the long rectangle dining table that is full of breakfast. Eggs Benedict, Small pancakes, and more.

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