Chapter 8

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Beyoncé's POV

Achilles lifts me up bridal style. Taking me to a bed, which was basically a pile of furs. He gently places me down.

"Rest. For we have a future that waits for us. Together." He says gently. He places a hand on my face, cupping my cheek. We then share a strong and passionate kiss.

"Rest." He whispers. I slightly nod as I lay myself down. Giving in my exhaustion. As I let my eyelids shut, I hear voices near me. Not necessarily wanting to care, I fell into my deep slumber.

Achilles POV

As I watch Beyoncé sleep, I glance over her. The way she sleeps breathes.
Everything about her was different than every other woman I've met in my time. She acted differently than all of them. I could tell when I first laid my eyes on her. She was the first and only woman to not have eyes for me. That did astonish me a quite bit. But I was to believe she wanted to show strength.

"My lord?" I hear Eudorous approach me. He tries to be silent for Beyoncé. I then slightly lifting my hand. Signaling to him that I will speak to him in a moment. As he climbs up to the deck of the ship, I follow.

It was a beautiful night. Stars shining brightly. Most men were resting. I suppose Patroclus and Shakira were already in slumber.

"Permission to speak my lord?" Eudorous asks. I turn to him as I nod.
"We shall be arriving at Larissa in 4 days." He announces.
"Any word from the others?"
"No. Not since we've left Troy."
I then figured Agamemnon and the kings were still proceeding in their concur over Troy.

Then the boat begins to rumble spontaneously. As if we were in a storm. A stroke of light is what had the men shake in terror but me. The men begin to sail. Waves crashed onto the ship. I see the men struggling with the ropes. I quickly rush over to help. It seemed as if it was a never-ending storm. Light stroke after another. Making a loud crack sound. It was if the sound could be heard around the world.

"Hold on!!!" One of the men said. The ship was circling. Starting to follow some sort of order. Soon making its way toward the middle of it.

May the gods be with us...

Beyoncé's POV

I woke up to the sound of lightning. Men shouting. The ship rocking back and forth violently.

"Oh well, Achilles' whore is awake." I hear one of the slaves say. I just ignored them.
"Shut it, slave!" I hear Shakira.

"Everyone hold on." I and Shakira sat down together on the bed. She comforts me as this goes on. As for the other women had to stand or lay in the hard wooden floor of the ship. Hearing men yelling at one another knowing something is wrong. I begin to wonder, what if we caused so much change in history, that the storm is a sign of the present?
I was shaken out of my mind. We then feel the ship going in circles. As if it was to circulate some sort of situation in the water. We then feel the ship begin to tremble. Water slowly sinks in beneath our feet.

"PREPARE FOR IMPACT!" We hear a voice yell out from above.

I'm sorry that this chapter is short but I promise that the next chapter will be longer. 😇❤️ from Nani.

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