Chapter 2

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Tears roll down my cheeks as I stir the potatoes. I'm in charge of all the housework and the laundry work, on top of that I have my tutor. But the laundry work, that's not as bad because Sarah and I split the laundry work.

Mother comes upstairs from the shop," What's wrong, Allyson?"

I quickly wipe the tears from my cheeks," Nothing."

She nods and the little gold bell on the door rings. She smiles at me before walking down the stairs. I listen to her talk to the woman who wants her daughter's dress to match a necklace. She tries so hard to support us.

I look at outside and see the gray lifeless cloudy sky above. Why can't it be sunny, again? I hate when it's cloudy, it reminds me of everything that's wrong. Sobs escape my mouth as I start to sweep the floor.

What I wouldn't do for those days in the sun again? The warm, shining sun on my feet. My brother, Evan would push me, Dior, and Charles on the tree swing. Bennett would have his nose stuck in a book as Fletcher would sketch the sunset. The beautiful oranges, reds and pinks would be hovering on the French horizon

But that all ended when Father went off to war and died and we moved here. All the light and sun just left and turned bitter and cold.

I drag myself over to the stove again. I'll figure out a way to get my necklace back. I'll go back to the Brooklyn Circulation center. I'll find that boy and tell him to give it back. If he hasn't all ready sold it. I hear pounding coming up the stairs. Charlie's home.

"Hey Al!" My twin brother, Charles exclaims.

I smile at him as he puts his earnings on the table. He throws himself down in a chair as I set down his bowl of soup.

Anyone could see we are twins. We have the same blue eyes, ginger hair, and freckles. I scoop a bowl for myself and mother as he tells me about his day. I sit down in the creaky wooden chair across from him.

"Al, I'm gonna tell ya somethin', okay?" He says giving me a serious glare.

I nod slowly.

"First off, where'd you buy this pape?" He holds up the paper that I bought off that boy today.

"Well, I bought it in Brooklyn."

"You and Sarah can't go back to Brooklyn without me or her brother."

"What? Why?" I ask surprised.

"Some Newsies saw that boy from Brooklyn carrying your basket. That boy is the King of Brooklyn. Stay away from him, okay?"

How could anyone be the King of Brooklyn? This is America, they have no kings, only the president.

"Why, he's just a boy!"

He looks at me raising an eyebrow. I sighing deeply, take my bowl over to the sink and walk into my room.

He doesn't understand I have to go back. I have to.

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