Chapter 30.

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Today's when I get liberated from Oscar Delancey! Thank god. But there's one problem, Oscar noticed I was acting too happy and stayed home to make sure I haven't been up to anything. I've already told Mrs. Fleming to tip off Spot when he comes.

My face stays stained in my regular depressed demeanor as I carry out my usual chores. But as I'm scrubbing the wooden floor, a knock echoes from the door through the silent flat. Spot. Oscar snaps up and storms over open to the door flings it open. Spot turns whiter than a ghost as Oscar glares at him.

"Conlon, I thought I told ya. If you come near her, I'd kill ya," Oscar spits.

Oscar shoves him down on the floor and starts pounding on him. Come on, Spot. After a couple minutes of Spot getting beat on and me watching helplessly, I push Oscar off of Spot. Oscar's attention turns to me. He slaps, then shoves me on the ground.

"You ungrateful bitch," he spits kicking me in the stomach.

Spot pushes Oscar into the China cabinet and the plates shatter on them. He stomps over to the almost unconscious Oscar. He pulls Oscar up to his feet by his collar.

"Now, if you'se evah even look at 'er again," Spot spits in his face," I'll soak ya, till you'se can't walk."

Spot lands a few more blows his face knocking him out cold. He throws Oscar against the China cabinet again. Spot picks me up and carries me bridal down the fire escape. I lean my head against his chest and wrap my arms around his neck," Where are we going to?"

"Where dere's a place for us."

I furrow my eyebrows.

"We'se goin' ta da Brooklyn Lodge."


Well, for the past week Spot has been on watch dog mode over me. I always have to have one of his newsies with me at all times if he wasn't there. Ace or Dash are my personal favorites because they know how to have some fun. But Kit is the worst, he's so dull and serious. Blah.

But today, Spot is making me sell papers with him. And I wouldn't have to be here if I didn't open my mouth. I had to say I wanted to go to church tomorrow and wanted him to come.

The Brooklyn boys have made their own version of the Manhattan Newsies' song Carrying the Banner. It's pretty funny, but not at six in the morning.

"That's my cigar!" Kit yells at someone underneath me and Spot.

"You'll steal another!" Dash snaps back.

Spot kisses me before walking down the stairs with me close behind.

"Hey, look, it's bath time at the zoo!" Spike laughs loudly at Ace who has shaving cream all over his face.

"I thought that I'd suprise my mother," Ace smiles proudly.

"If you could find her," Spot scoffs.

"Who asked you?" A couple of the older newsies yell at him.

They all just want to keep hope alive for the little ones, even if there isn't any.

"From Bottle Alley to the docks. There's easy pickings guaranteed," Spot sings pulling his cane through his belt loops.

"Try any banker, bum, or barber. They almost all know how to read!" I sing fixing Spot's shirt.

"It's a crooked game we're playin'. One we'll never lose. Long as suckers don't mind payin' just to get bad news," Spot adds.

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