7.i Each Other in Love to Greet

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Dís arrived with the company from Ered Luin on an afternoon in early June.

Thorin stood back and let his nephews give her the first welcome. Indeed, the two lads sprinted ahead of the rest of the welcoming party, meeting their mother where she rode at the head of the company. Kíli held her pony's bridle, while Fíli swept her down from the saddle, and then the two of them smothered her in their combined embrace. But when he finally saw her emerge from the tangle of arms, Thorin noted that her face wore a contented smile he had not seen for a long time.

He approached her then, and Dís slipped one arm free from Kíli to draw her brother close.

"You did it," she breathed and kissed his forehead.

"I promised I would," he reminded her fondly.

"And what I would have done if you hadn't kept your word—" She tugged gently on the braid at his ear, just as she often had done as a girl when trying to convince him to let her have her way in something.

Thorin smiled readily at the memory. "Welcome home."

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