Chapter 2

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On the next day, Elise met up with her two other friends to meet up with Kanae. She chose the a forest as the meeting point. They were waiting for Kanae for one hour but she didn't show up.

'I think she lied to us and she won't come.' , said Elise,'We souled go now, this forest is freaking me out.' Despite the fact that her friends were getting nervous, Elise still couldn't believe, that Kanae didn't show up but a few minutes later she was able to see a person coming towards her.

Kanae had red-blond hair which were covering half of her face. Even though she looked tired she gave us a big smile. Elise stepped towards Kanae but Nicole was faster. She shouted at Kanae: ' how dare you let us wait here for one hour in this cold weather?! I thought we were going to play a computer game. You can do that at home as well!'

Kanae dodged Nicoles punch and grinned. 'Don't is not a normal computer game. It has other purposes which humans like you  could never  understand.' With this words she turned around and went deeper into the forest.

Elise followed her. She had feeling of guilt because Nicole shouted at her. 'I'm sorry Kanae, I'm sure Nicole didn't mean it that way.', Elise apologized. ' That was nothing to be apologizing about', Kanae said,' soon they will understand. At first I also thought this whole thing was a bad joke.' What do you mean by that?' Instead of answering her, she took out two knifes out of her bag. Elise crystallized. She wanted to run away but Kanae held her arm. Kanae took the knife on her right hand split her own arm. Blood was running down her arm on the gras. 'It's your turn now,' Kanae said and grinned. Elise tried to to free herself but Kanae was way stronger than her. ' Don't move', Kanae growled, 'I need your blood to open the portal. 'A bad foreknowledge was coming up her mind when she she moved the knife over her arm.

Suddenly she decided to ram against Kanae. That loosened her holding. She used that moment to push her away. She ran trough the dark forest. Kanae was not following her. Blood was dropping on the wet floors of the forest. After running for eternity she found her friends,  which were standing on the same place as before.

'Call the police' , she screamed, ' Kanae is crazy.' But her friends weren't listening to her. Suddenly two configures rushed out of the bush and the only thing she could do was to stare at her friends how their arm were splitt up like Kanae did to her. Elsie started to sob and slowly the forest was disappearing in front of her  eyes. She felt dizzy.

As she opened her eyes again she was laying on a glade in the forest. But it was not the same forest she was in before. She didn't know this place. She tried to look around but she wasn't able to see because it was dark. The wound on her arm was gone. Instead she saw a bracelet on her arm. Level 1. That was written on it. Suddenly it was getting lighter and she was able to see her friends laying on the floor. Nicole was the first one to open her eyes. ' Where are we?' , she asked. Then Sahra also opened her eyes and was looking confused.

Out of a sudden a masculine voice was speaking and the voice came out of the bracelet which  they were wearing.


                                                                                 ' Welcome to Don't'

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