Chapter 14

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Kanaes Flashback

,,Run Steven, run!'', Kanae screamed at his friend while looking at him. They were running for eternity. These creatures were chasing them and they didn't have any clue how to get rid off them. Kanae started to feel exhausted, so did her friend. They had one goal: Killing the creatures, but how?

They entered the game quite recently and didn't have enough experience and strength left to deal with them. While Kanae was separating her thoughts, a strange light appeared in from of them. They immediately stopped and so did  the creatures behind them.

Instead of killing them instantly, they remained calm. Somehow their eyes were glowing yellow. Kanae was still looking at the creatures when Steven tapped on her back. She turned around and looked at Steven for a short moment before realizing a man standing in the dark. He had a lightsaber in his hand. Silence.


After a long time of silence, the man decided to step out of the darkness: He had a mask on but Kanae immediately noticed his scars. Weirdly he looked not like a player, nor a creature. He looked like a normal human being without any abnormalities. Describing someone as normal in this universe is rare. Abruptly his bracelet made weird sounds. Not just any sounds, but a voice. Kanane wasn't able to figure out what the ,, weird voice'' was saying but she didn't have a good feeling about this. After the voice stopped ,, talking'', he touched his lightsaber and  looked at Steven and Kanae. Unexpectedly he took off his mask: He was smiling and said with a happy voice:,, Die''. The next moment he grabbed his lightsaber and aimed at Kanaes head and pulled the trigger. She didn't have enough time to avoid it. She was standing there, feeling like a complete idiot, who is weak and is a burden for everyone. ,, No one wants me in this world, I have no place on this earth, everyone I cared about died, because of me. I wasn't able to protect them. It's all my fault, this game exists. I SHOULD GO TO HELL!'' she said loudly while her whole body was shaking and her eyes were red of all of that crying. Suddleny someone pushed her in a bush next to her. The next thing she could remember was Stevens voice.

,I love you, Kanae'.

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