Chapter 9

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John and Blyke were really nice. You could talk with them for hours and for the first time in an while she felt accepted. It looks like both of them didn't have a problem with the presence of her and they also asked Elise if she could stay with them, in their team. Elise thought about their offer. In addition, John told her a very important Detail about the game, which kanae didn't tell them. According to him everyone in the game had a special ability, like the one of Elise: Fire. He also taught her how to control the fire and use it as a weapon against others, without burning down the whole forest.

Blyke and John didn't want Elise to know their abilities. After having everything explained, she felt betrayed by Kanae. She asked herself why Kanae didn't tell them the most important detail.

She could sit here for hours, starring at her flames, but then John sat next to her. None of them said a word. Suddenly John strengthened besides her. Elise looked confused at him. His stare was aimed at the forest. ''Don't move'', he fizzed. She followed his stare and indeed, between the trees were glowing yellow eyes.

She wanted to scream out of fear but then she remembered what John said and remained calm. She was ready to use her fire skills anytime. All of a sudden the eyes disappeared.

Elise was relieved. Whatever it was, hopefully it didn't recognize them.

Even though there was no danger, John seemed nervous. Elise overheard Blyke and John having an argument, while he kept starring at Elise with a worried look, but Elise couldn't figure out about what they were discussing about.

After they stopped taking, John came towards Elise:'' Its not safe here, we have to move to another place'', he explained, ''do you want to come with us?'' Elise thought about it. Should she go with them? She didn't have a choice. If she stayed here, she would probably die.

She decided on an option: She would stay with Blyke and John. Like that she would hopefully survive for the upcoming days and maybe escape out of this game intact.

They left the place. Blyke and John were nervous but they didn't want to reveal what was going on.

Suddenly they heard a roaring behind them. Elise winced. It sounded like it was near them. All of a sudden Blyke and John stopped: ''We have to split up'', John explained looking at Elise, '' only that way we can get rid off them.'' ''I don't get it,'' Elise answered desperately, ''What's going on here? Are we being followed?'' ''Just trust me.'' John said, ''you go with Blyke to the east and I'll go to the west,'' he showed the two directions, ''If everything goes as we planned, I'll meet up with you guys at the edge of the forest. If I don't appear in more than one day, then just go without me. Understood?''

Blyke nodded. ''But what about you?'' Elise asked John anxiously, ''Don't worry, I'll pay attention to myself'', John said, '' you have to get going now. Look after Elise, Blyke! ''

These were the last words of John before she and Blyke disappeared in the bushes.

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