Chapter 6

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Elise was running trough the woods. The trees threw dark shadows on the ground. Maybe it would have a better idea to pick up Kanae. Alone she never could have had a chance. She hadn't had any clue how to fight nor to protect herself, but somehow, despite her fear, she was running in the direction of Sahras' scream.

The forest was getting darker and darker around her. As Elise arrived at the source of the scream, she gave out the most terrifying scream out of her. Right in front oh her eyes was lying her friend,Sahra, on the cold and wet ground, full of blood. She was unconscious and she had a pretty bad wound around  her head, but it seemed like she was still alive. A few foot away from Sahra, Nicole was being pushed by two guys. She also had a wound on her arm. On the edge of the forest were standing the rest of the group. A closer look, Elise noticed that the group, she was now starring at, was the group which had been chasing  them a few hours ago.

Elises' body was frozen and she hadn't had any clue what to do. All of a sudden she discovered Nicole. ''Elise, help us!'', Nicole screamed scaredy. Now the attention of all the people present was drowned at Elise.

The people, who only had been watching until now were coming towards Elise.The two guys were holding Nicole strongly. One of them was about to hit Nicole with a deadly punch. A furiously rage brew inside of Elsie. She didn't want her friends to die, yet. The world was just so unfair.

The heat in her internal came back strengthened from her new fury. This time she admitted it. She was guided only towards her fury and her instincts, until she was a fire of emotions. Then everything erupted out of her and exploded in a blazing firestorm.

Her enemies hadn't had the chance to react. In seconds they were brunt to ash. But Elise won't forget the surprised and scared expressions, filled with pain, on their faces. Around them eventing was on fire. Nicole and Sara were not injured. The fire didn't harm them.

When the fire laid down and she calmed down again, she realized what she did. Unbelievably she looked at her body and noticed that she wasn't injured either.She didn't know what she had just done but one thing she knew: She was responsible for the fire. Her fire killed 6 people. 6 people who were not the nicest ones on the whole planet but they were still humans.

She stepped one feet towards Nicole and Sahra but Nicole pushed her away. ''Go away, you monster!'', Nicole shouted with a serious face. Elise could see the fear in Nicoles' eyes.

She sank on her kneels and tears began to drop out of her eyes.
Nicole was right.

She was a monster.

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