Chapter 11

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Elises P.O.V.

Desperately, Elise tried to keep away the creatures with her fire but there were way too many of them. For killing one, two new ones came.

She looked at Blyke, hoping he could protect her but it seemed like he was also busy killing the creatures and staying alive.

He was surrounded by a whirl of darkness, which defeated the creatures. But he was being surrounded by more and more of them. She became aware of the fact that she wouldn't receive any help from him.

Elises ability began slowly to vanish. Her flames, now, started to flicker. Suddenly one of the creatures broke her defense. She tried to deviate but it was too late and the creature already had his teeth stuck in her flesh. An intense pain filled up her whole body. She screamed and fell on the ground. Blood was flowing out of the wound on her shoulder and dropping on the ground. Because of the blood loss, she couldn't concentrate on her environment anymore.

She just managed to throw fireballs on her enemies.

That lasted for several minutes and she received more and more scratches. Most of them were nor bad at all but the other one looked pretty nasty. Desperately she tried to look for a way out. She couldn't expect Blyke to help her because he also was at the end of his powers.

As Elise looked for a way out, she noticed the two guys with the weird glowing eyes. They were standing at the same place , but something was different as before. Their eyes were now glowing red and yellow.

She looked at the eyes of the creatures and back at the eyes of the two men standing. She came to a conclusion. What if the two guys were controlling the creatures?, she thought. They would stop attacking them, If they were dead.

Hopelessly she took her remaining strength and threw a fireball in the direction of the two men. The red eyed was able to dodge it but the yellow eyed was unlucky. He was hit by her fireball and was dashed against the tree.

While he fell down on the ground, all of the creatures with yellow eyes disappeared. As Elsie thought: They were being controlled by the two of them. Her new objective was to get rid of the red eyed freak.

Elise tried to seek for her inner fire but she was too exhausted. Her fire stopped burning. She was now surrounded by the oversized cats. She tried to avoid their attacks but unluckily she was thrown against a tree. She heard how her bones smashing into pieces.

She screamed. She tried not to close her eyes but it was impossible.

All of a sudden the creatures started to vanish. Confused, Elise tried to figure out what happened. The red eyed man was laying on the ground. His corpse was laying 2 feet away of someone, who was stabbing him to death.

Elise took a closer look and tried to recognize the person, who saved her life.

It was not Blyke. It was John.

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