Chapter 15

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Kanaes flashback

Kanae was unconscious. She was laying in the bush for couple of hours. As she started to open her eyes, she noticed her clothes being wet. The fluid was too thick to be normal water. She was still laying in the bush. Where is Steven? What did happen during her unconsciousness. She struggled really hard to come out of the bush. She had scratches on every part of her body. Being unable to see, she tried orientate her by touching everything in her way. Out of the blue she saw a light and a big smile appeared on her face.

The moment she noticed the light, she immediately started to run in the direction of it. Finally she could see again. "But what was the fluid on my clothes?", she asked herself. She decided to take a look on her clothing. It was red. Without thinking any further she screamed. It was the loudest scream she had ever given out of her. Blood. The fluid on her clothes was blood. Fresh blood of someone. But whom was it? She tried to ignore the possibility that it was alte blood of her friends. A tear dripped down her cheek. Then another one, more and more."why am I crying?", she thought. While being distracted by her feeling someone sneaked behind her. The moment she heard some kind of metal noises, she immediately turned around.
"Please let me live".

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