Chapter 3

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'It's all your fault' , Nicole shouted. They were trapped in this weird forest for nearly 2 hours and didn't know where they were neither what this nonsense was. They still didn't hear of Kanae. At least it was getting brighter. 'You have brought us into this forest! That was a really stupid idea!' Elise thought about Nicoles words. Actually it was really her who brought them into the forest and got them into this situation. Nicole stopped shouting at Elise when 2  frightening creatures came out of the darkness. Elise wasn't able too see their faces, somehow she knew they weren't up to something good. As they were coming closer, Elise was now able to see their faces but instead her heartbeats started getting louder. Their faces weren't normal. The 'Creatures' coming toward them were definitely not humans. Their faces were pale and emotionless and they had red eyes. Their clothes were covered in dry blood and their faces were covered in scars. As they took out their knifes, Elise knew it was time to run. 'Everybody, RUN!, she screamed at her friends,  as she turned around and ran.

They ran as fast as they could trough the dark forest. The creatures were close on their heels. Suddenly Sarah tripped over a root. Elise immediately stopped running, to help her friend. Nicola continued running but the creatures,who popped out of nowhere, drove her back.

They were surrounded. Desperately Elise searched  for  for a way out but their wasn't any. 

All of a sudden something was glowing behind their backs. Deep down in her heart she knew that Kanae didn't leave them. The weird creatures lost their interests in Elise and her friends and were now focused on Kanae. Weirdly Kanae held a sword in her hands which wasn't there before. She mad an approach to the creatures. They had no chance against Kanae. Horrified Elsie and the others watched how Kanae  slaughtered the creatures in a blink of her eye. 

As she was finished killing them, Kanae wiped the blood of her face and went toward Elise and her friends. 'Get away from us!' , Sarah screamed threatened.'How about thanks?' Kanae said outraged. 'After all I saved you guys'.

'Thanks', Elise said for her friends, who were still in shock, 'I think you have to explain us a lot of things.'

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