The Cousin

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I want to give credit to my friend TrevorFlorian for the idea of this and made me come up with this idea

Dear Diary,
I had a fun time with Matt last week and next Friday we plan on going to the movies. And I can't wait to see him outside of school.

Nate's POV
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! The annoying sound of my alarm went off and I also heard a knock on the door too. I looked at the clock..who the fuck is wanting to see me at 5:00 in the morning?! I slowly got out of bed, knocking still going on, I will beat the fuck out of the person because I'm tired and angry since that knocking is so annoying.

"I'm coming!" I yelled at the door and opened the door and saw a strange guy at my dorm "Who the fuck are you?" I asked, trying to get my thoughts straight, the guy smiled "I'm Trevor Florian" Trevor said, I stood there clueless and still trying to wake up "What are you here for?" I asked rubbing my hand up to my jawline to my forehead "What are your relations with my cousin?" He asked and I stood there still clueless.

"What?" I said, confuse "My cousin. Matthias Blackwood" He said, oh...I'm screwed! "Uhhhhhh..we are just friends," I said, Trevor looked at his phone "Uh. Doesn't seem like you are friends by your text messages with him" He said, smiling.

"What? How you know about our text messages?!" I asked, kind of getting angry "Chill your pants, Papi Nate. I can hack about anyone's-" He said laughing "Scratch that. I can hack everyone's phones, computers and many more" He continued, I closed the door on him and got around for the day. I opened my door and jumped, he was still at my door "Why the fuck you leave?" I said, starting to lose it and flip my shit, he looked at me.

"Uh. You have quite a fascinating text messages with Matthias. A lot of flirting going on. And-" He stopped and laughed "Emojis of course, typical," He said, looking at me, I blushed lightly and pushed him out of my way I'm going to have breakfast with Matt this morning. And talk to him about this so-called 'cousin' I sighed and finally go to the diner.

I sat in a booth, waiting for Matt. I started thinking about him for a bit, my thoughts started to get dirty. I had to stop thinking like that! And I looked at the door and thinking of the devil, Matt came in walking to the booth I was in and smiling

Matt's POV

"Ok. I have something to ask you." Nate said, "What's up?" I said, "This morning there was a guy at my door to my dorm-" Nate said, I got a bit angry and interpret him "Who was he? Did he say a name?" I started questioning him "Hey chill your pants down Matt. He said his name was Trevor Florian" He said, I sighed. My cousin, why the hell is he visiting Nate so early in the morning.

"Oh. Why was he visiting you so early in the morning?" I asked "He wanted to know what I meant to you," He said and I sighed "What did you say?" I asked "I said that we were friends," He said, ouch I just got friend zoned, well soon we will be more than friends.

I laughed "For now," I said winking at him, his cheeks turned bright pink "You're so cute," I said, flirting with him, his cheeks turned dark red and he hid his face in his sweatshirt, I laughed quietly.

Later That Afternoon

I walked to find my cousin, and have a little talk to him about what he pulled off with Nate and how it wasn't cool to do that. Plus Trevor and I never really go along together anyways, he will always pick on me for no reason or steal my money from my bank account which that is bullshit.

I finally found that fuck tard, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt "Whoa! Matthias chill your balls down!" Trevor said, "Why did you visit Nate?!" I kind of got angry "Chill your balls! I was just trying to find something out so I can tease you. So I can tell your parents about Nate and you?" He said, knowing that my parents will kill me if they figure out that I was gay "No! You know they will not accept me." I said trying not to punch him, he laughed "Ok I won't tell them. But only on one condition" he said smirking "I can take some of your money off of your account" He continued, like he hasn't already taken enough, I sighed "Fine" I said and he smiled "Good boy Matthias, now I have something to do now" he said and I let him go.

He walked away and I sighed and walked back to my dorm. I got a text from Nate saying "Hey want to go to dinner with me and it's on me to treat you back for last week's date" the message read, I smiled and laid in bed. Thinking, I will be mine one day I will win you until then I have to wait.

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