The Blackwoods

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Dear Diary,
I heard rumors that the Blackwood family are up to something. Some heard that it's something not good like planning the mayor's death. And some said they are doing something good like working with the mayor to do something good for the city of Seattle.

Matt's POV
I was sitting at the desk in my dorm, I heard a knock "It's unlocked" I said loud enough for the person to hear. The door opened and I looked at the person, my dad Hiram Blackwood, he owns the school and etc. "Matthias, we need to talk," dad said, I nodded "What's up dad?" I asked he looked at me "I realize that sometimes you help me work and sometimes you work by yourself doing my job" He said and I nodded "So I want you to find anyone that's your friend, to be your helper. Guy or a girl" He said, saying the word 'girl' more bold than the boy, "Yeah. I will find someone" I said, not trying to roll my eyes. "Ok will do father," I said, he nodded "Always you have to come to check out the classrooms.

Make sure to wear your best clothes too" he said and I nodded "Yes I know" I said standing up and walking to my closet "Meet me in my office" He said and walked out of my dorm, maybe I can ask Nate to be my helper, I don't know. I texted Nate

Matt's and Nate's text messages

Matt: I won't make it to breakfast

Nate: Aww why?

Matt: I have to help my dad with his job today

Nate: X( Aww ok. See you in classes then?

Matt: Maybe

Nate: Ok. See you in class ;)

Matt: See you too o3o

Nate's Pov

I walked to Anna's dorm and knocked on her door "Just a minute" she said and I waited and she opened the door "So no date breakfast with your boyfriend?" she said and I rolled my eyes "He is not my boyfriend" I said, making myself at home, she smirked.

"Whatever, after what you told me what happened when he came to your dorm, I hardly believe you, Nathaniel," She said, sitting next to me "Well classes start in an hour. What do you want to do?" she asked, I shrugged "I have no clue" I answered her question "Well hell Nathaniel," she said and I laughed quietly.

After a while later

I walked to one of my first classes on the day, music. Yes, I'm in the Blackwood Orchestra, once I got in and got what I needed. I sat in my seat I was the only person in the room that is a student that knows how to play every instrument in the room I sat at the piano along with the instruments in my arm length and had my stand of music right in front of me.

After a while everyone got warm-up and we started to look at our new piece of music called Bury My Heart by Peter Gundry I started off the piece by playing the piano and as we started the piece, the door opened and I heard two people walking in. But I continued to play, why don't I just have a peak and I looked up a bit and saw Matt and me pressed the wrong key and the teacher stopped "Ok Nathaniel you had a flat but you pressed a sharp" my teacher said "Yes, I know. It was my mistake" I said, who was Matt with..his father and I looked at my sheet of music and start all over, I got a bit nervous since Matt was here in the room watching me play.

Matt's Pov

I watched Nate play in the band and he did so nice, he never told me that he did things like this all I need was Photography never knew he can play an instrument or two. After they completed the music once my father and I clapped "Well done Mr.Drews another year of success in this group, I'm pleased about the piano player around all the instrument." my dad said "Ah yes this is Nathaniel Apolyos, he is one of kind of students to play and know all these instruments. True gifted boy" said Mr.Drews, I smiled and my father nodded.

"That's nice to know. I glad we have some like that. Are you planning to have a job in music son?" my father asked, Nate, nodded "Yes, sir I do. But I'm also thinking about art and photography too" Nate said, he sounds like he is nervous. "Can you please stand up so I can see you?" my father asked Nate and Nate nodded and stood up. My father smiled and nodded "Nice to meet you, Nathaniel. I'm Hiram Blackwood" he said, why is my father doing this. "Nice to meet you too sir," Nate said. My father looked at me "Let's go. We have other classrooms to visit" he said and I nodded and we walked out of the room.

Nate's Pov

After a long day of school, I flopped on my bed and turned on my speaker and my Bluetooth on my phone. I pressed the play button and Sick Boy by Chainsmokers started to play, I love this song so much, it kind of put my feelings towards my family and me since they disown me.

I started to cry and I heard a knock on my door "It's unlocked" I said, wiping my tears off of my cheeks. And there was Matt looking at me and he frowned "What's wrong?" he asked and sat next to me on the edge of my bed "This one song reminds me when my family disown me" I said, trying not to sob and Matt laid next to me and hugged me, whispering in my ear "Don't worry, I'm here for you." he said, I buried my face in his chest and I could think was "I'm the sick boy" I slowly fell asleep with Matt cuddling with me.

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