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Dear Diary
Nebraska. Wild weather.

Nate's POV
I woke up in the morning, I woke up to Matt driving again. I wanted to sit up but I didn't want to distract him from the road. I grabbed my phone and posted the pictures on my social media that I didn't get to do yesterday. "Goodmorning cutie," Matt said, I smiled "Goodmorning," I said, looking out the window, a couple of minutes of seconds silence. I decided to break the silence "So where are we going today?" I asked "We are going to Heartland of America Park," Matt said.

I nodded "Fascinating," I said, he nodded. I felt the car parked. I sat up and grabbed our bags and got out. Matt got out the car and smiled "Cute bed head you have this morning" Matt said, I smile and rolled my eyes jokingly.

We walked in and do our normal travel morning things, shower, comb hair, brush teeth, etc. "So are we going to a diner?" I asked as I folded my clothes and put a towel in a plastic bag, he shrugged "Do you want to?" He asked I nodded as I zipped my bag "Sure. I don't mind" I said "Ok," he said back.

We walked out the truck stop and put our bags in the car the got in the car. Like usual Matt set up his GPS to the nearest diner that was open near us. I looked out the window and I started daydreaming, like usual.

After a while, we got to the diner. By 9 A.M. this morning we were in the diner. I was looking at Matt again. Daydreaming. He was right. I'm dozing off more than usual. But I don't really care, I can stare at him for hours on end. We ordered a couple of minutes later. "So," Matt said as he placed his hand on top of mine. Which mine hands are on the table. He grabbed my hands gently "So?" I said back, rubbing my thumbs along his knuckles. "I want thinking. Maybe next school year. Sophomores. We can have a place to ourselves" he said.

I looked at him, shocked. A big step in the relationship. I knew it wasn't really a big step but for me it is. "A-Are you sure that you want to share a house with me?" I asked he nodded "Yes. Why do you ask?" He said "I-It's nothing against you. Yes. I will move in with you" I said, he smiled and kissed my hand "Good. That's really good" he said, rubbing his thumb along my knuckles. Life seems to go by fast when you're having a good time. It has been a year since my family didn't accept me and I started packing for Seattle. And it's been almost a year since I met Matt.

After we got done eating, we started to head our way to Heartland of America Park. Can't wait to see this beautiful place. I held Matt's hand that he didn't have on the wheel. I rubbed my thumb along his knuckles and played with his fingers a bit then rubbed along his ring finger. He smiled as he kept his focus on the road, I kissed his cheek and put my head on his shoulder.

Matt parked the car and unbuckled. I did the same and got out as Matt walked out too. "Got your camera?" I asked he nodded "Yep," he said, we paid and walked in, I grabbed Matt's hand and looked at him "Beautiful place," I said, he nodded "Like you," He said, I blushed lightly "Aww. You're too sweet Matt" I said, he smiled.

We walked to this area by a lake "Nate. Sit on this bench for me. And cross your legs, sit straight, hands on top of each other on the knee, and smiled" He said, I chuckled and sat on the bench "How can I sit straight when I'm not?" I asked jokingly, I heard a laugh come out of him.

People that were around looked at us weirdly. I don't give a fuck. "Ok. Nate. Back to business. Sit straight" he said, I sat up straight and did what he told me to do. He took the picture and looked at the camera to see how the picture turned out as usual. I stood up and walked up to him "How did it turn out?" I asked, he showed me the picture, I smiled "You're really good Matt" I said, "Nah. It's just a hobby I do" he said, I rolled my eyes jokingly "Yeah. Whatever hipster" I said "Now let's continue to walk around" I continued as I grabbed his hand and started walking. He walked with me.

We finally left the park after 3 hours of picture taking, talking, laughing, and many more things. I looked at him and smiled "So what now?" I asked, he shrugged and started the car "Plan on skipping dinner" he said, I nodded "Sounds good" I said. Something smells fishy. Matt normally doesn't skip a meal unless. I chuckled and looked at him "Are you horny?" I asked I heard a chuckle come out of him "No..." he said as he looked at me, I gave him the Apolyos stare, at least what Matt calls it.

Because my sister does it to me and apparently I give him the same look to him when I know something is up "Stop giving me the Apolyos look." He said I smiled "I normally give you that look when I figured something out," I said, he sighed "Fine. You caught me red-handed" he said, I chuckled "Hurry up to the rest stop then," I said.

Mature Content (Smut)

He parked the car and unbuckled my and his seatbelt. He picked me up and put me on the bed. He made sure he closed all the curtains too and got on top of me, pinning me down on the bed. My breath became jagged as he kissed my neck roughly and eagerly. He continued as I felt his hand move down on my crotch and I felt him squeezed my member. I gasped out of shock and pleasure as a joint of pleasure ran through my body.

He kissed me deeply as he took off my pants. I kissed back and took off his pants with him. He pulled away and put his hands under my shirt, rubbing my sides, a chill went down my spine. He finally took off my shirt along with my boxers. And I took off his boxers and shirt too.

He put my legs up to my chest, I blushed lightly. Not knowing what he was doing. He inserted his member into me, I bite my lip and moaned as he started thrusting into me. Close. I felt closer to Matt than I have ever been. I moaned louder as I felt him move harder and faster.

I dig my nails into his shoulder blades. I heard him moaned lightly and I screamed and moaned as he started to hit my spot and started to rub my member in a different pattern with his thrust. I gasped out of shock again when I felt him press his thumb on my tip as he rubbed the rest of me with his other, continuing his thrust, hard and fast.

He continued and I come until we came. We both started panting. He pulled out of me and laid on top of me. "I-I love you cutie," he said, slightly panting, "I love you too," I said back, I played with his hair until we both fell asleep into a night of empty skies and clear.

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