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Lottiemanning: i got my holiday (okay it's not really a holiday im in London) thanks to this specimen of a best friend❤️♥️:545,789 likes 💬:459,529 comments

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Lottiemanning: i got my holiday (okay it's not really a holiday im in London) thanks to this specimen of a best friend❤️
♥️:545,789 likes 💬:459,529 comments

Chardley: bradleywillsimpson

Elliesmith: bradleywillsimpson

Charlottesimpson: have a nice time❤️

Hatingcharlotte: moving onto his best friend? Bradleywillsimpson
Lottiemanning: far from it me and james are best friends and that's all we are. I'm not moving on from Brad, I still love him and I always will... my feelings don't change that quick

Mommamanning: have a great time darling, I'm sure I'll have a brilliant time on my business trip❤️
Lottiemanning: I'll miss you❤️

Thevampstris: jamesmcvey ooooo work it model😏
Jamesmcvey: thevampstris IM THE NEXT TOP MODEL
Lottiemanning: jamesmcvey I know, cut me with that jawline JimJam babe

Bradleywillsimpson: what the hell is happening? Jamesmcvey I thought you wouldn't date her?
Lottiemanning: I'm just staying away from bham for a few days to get away from all the trouble nothing is happening with James and he's not dating me... bradleywillsimpson

A/n: Charlotte said she still loves brad😏

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