Chapter 12: Eternal Darkness

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Chapter 12: Eternal Darkness

Charles slammed open Heruseus' door as he shouted, "up and at 'em! Breakfast is ready!"

"Yeeah," he groaned as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked to the other bed in his room. After realizing Osra didn't wake him, he stood up and stretched out his limbs.  

"Hurry up slowpoke, we're waiting," Charles slammed his door before leaving.

"Alright, alright, I'll be right there," Heruseus said sluggishly. He yawned as he walked over to the staircase, half asleep, and tumbled down the stairs.

"The Almighty Heruseus everybody!" Pyrus laughed, but nobody joined him. Heruseus grouchily picked himself up and took his seat. He grumbled as he plopped down, crossing his arms as everyone stared at him.

"Alright, now that everyone's here we have some serious matters to discuss," Chumbus opened a picture window, and turned it around for everyone to see. "Last night, Charles snapped a picture of a mysterious hooded figure near our infirmary. I went back to check, but he was already gone. Before you say he was just tired, we lost all of our turkey supply, along with a huge chunk of our water supply, all stolen," Chumbus slammed his fist into the table and pointed to a slim figure that looked a lot like Heruseus. "A week past Thanksgiving, and our Turkey rations were going strong, until last night. We'll catch that him, I swear."

Charles nodded, "The turkey doesn't really matter, but yes. Justin and I have already inspected the picture closer, and we're almost sure it isn't Theo but we aren't certain. It can be anybody, that hood is blocking too much to point out any distinct features."

Lizardon pointed at the darkened blond hair behind the mysterious figure's hoodie and spoke out with slight irritation, "dude that's obviously Theo."

"Well you're fast to point fingers. I was up all night playing chess with Chumbus, I didn't do shit" said Heruseus with bacon in his mouth.

Chumbus nodded, "yes he was. He lost every time, but yeah we played chess a majority of the night. This picture was taken at eleven thirty last night, Heruseus and I played until midnight. It couldn't have been him."

"Well who else could it be?" PG leaned in closer to look at the picture.

"Possibly another player?" Pyrus said as he sipped his orange juice, "this is an open room after all."

Executioner shook his head and scoffed, "no shit dude, you expect some Fallen to walk in and take our shit?"

Pyrus threw his arms up as he shouted with a higher pitched voice, "I dunno! We don't know what Akino Baku is doing."

Lizardon kicked Executioner before he could retaliate and spoke, "has to be another player, might even be one of us."

"Possibly, all I know is that we definitely were not the first ones here. One skill out of ten was missing when we got here, so someone has been here before," Osra said as he cracked his neck.

Heruseus nodded, "possibly that same player? I heard there was a player rushing through this game, don't know if they got out yet. The infirmary was filled slightly when I found it anyway, maybe he came back to take his stuff?"

PG shook her head, "no. Just water and turkey is gone, stuff that clearly isn't his. On the other hand, I'm almost certain this is Baku's doing. The player you're talking about asked me and Westin if we could help him move along further, said he was looking for this room. He went by Cooper, and definitely didn't have long blond hair like this. I don't know where he's at now, it's been months since we've heard anything about anyone clearing this game. If anything, he's dead."

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