TWO: Behind the Scenes pt.3

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What's up guys! M A S S I V E.  L E G E N D.  H E R E. So the multiple endings of Twisting Web Online are crazy. There are about, 4 or 5? I'll list them out for you.

1. OG ending, Fairy Tail (HoL at the Time) gets out, book ends with Osra's sacrifice

2. OG ending but with a little closure. Baku is hunted down, Osra still dies (What was shown)

3. OG ending, Osra dies, but now the Japanese Police interrogate HoL (Name change)

4. OG ending, but with the inclusion of Claus and newer characters, Osra doesn't die

5. Final ending, Baku hunted down, Osra makes a sacrifice but goes missing instead

So I'll break each one down because unfortunately, I lost the drafts for almost each one, but a section (4 page chapter for the 3rd ending). This will be quick.

1. Simple as that, Fairy Tail beats the boss and escapes. Osra stayed behind to pull the lever that frees the guild, but he dies facing off endless waves of Fallen. The ghost stones didn't exist at the time, and neither did the majority of the characters. It was mainly Osra, Mel, Chumbus, Heruseus, Executioner and Lizardon with the small inclusion of Brett, Kameron and David.

2. This ending was seen in the old draft I uploaded in TWO: Behind the Scenes pt. 1 and 2 where more side characters were added, and Osra makes the same sacrifice, but this time his fate is controlled by Baku himself. Fairy Tail hunts him down and release TWO's prisoners with the expense of Osra's life.

3. This ending is interesting. So after the HoL are freed, they are automatically interviewed and interrogated by the Japanese Police since they were the first ones to escape. Osra was still  dead at the time, but the HoL believed he was just missing for when they left the hospital, his body was gone. They never went after Baku in this one and the victims of TWO were never freed. Ultimately, this version was dropped because I felt like I was dragging it waaay too far out with the interrogations. New characters such as Detective Sam and Commissioner Hai were dropped completely. I'll post a chapter from that period at the end of this segment.

4. So the ending is near identical as the current one, but Osra doesn't go missing or die. Osra continues living his life with the others happily after releasing everyone from TWO. This is the happiest ending for Charles and Pyrus originally survived. Thomas was the only survivor after chapter 8, so Adam and Jack were already dead. Within the fight with the Hearts of Darkness, Justine never killed Pyrus, but Pyrus did kill Westin. Charles was never killed either, though it was through deception to get to Caroline that he faked his death temporarily. This is the best and happiest ending... but where's the fun in that?

5. This is the current ending, where Osra goes missing and more detail goes into where he's at. Is he alive? Maybe. Is he dead? Maybe. This is the current version, so you should know what goes down already.

Here's an old Chapter from the 3rd ending draft. This is the only document I have of it, but idk where the other ones went. Enjoy!

Chapter 17: Brawl Stars

(Also going to do some commentary over this too, it was one of my absolute favorite chapters to write, shame it was scrapped. But here it is so you all can see. Quick note, this was about in between the old draft and where the story is now, so the writing is still a little crappy.)

Chumbus bolted inside, with Sam close behind him. Chumbus began to giggle as he stared at the mango ice cream slowly drip from his nose. (To explain this since I lost the old chapter, Detective Sam argued with Chumbus, and that resulted with Chumbus scolding him and throwing ice cream up his nose. Why the name Sam? I really don't know, that's the most American name I've heard in Japan...)

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