Chapter 18: Beginning of the End

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Chapter 18: Beginning of the End

The two programs bolted towards each other, ready to end it all. As they clashed, Ryan looked back at Osra, "hey! Mel's last chance skill is waiting outside! I finished her collection data process! Go revive her and help everyone else outside! I'll be fine!" He then glared back at Arso. He zapped him with a blue ray, stopping him in his place.

Osra nodded, "thank you," he said before leaving. He ran outside, looking for the revival orb, exclaiming "I see her!" He quickly ran up to it, and poked it twice. Osra smiled brightly as he watched Mel come back to his world.

Mel desperately gasped for air as she respawned, "took you long enough." She looked up to see his toothy grin plastered across his face, "what are you smiling at?"

"I thought you were gone," Osra hugged her, tears streaming down his face, "I missed you. I was scared you died, and-" Osra sobbed, "please, don't leave me again."

Mel blushed and patted his back as she hugged him back. As he let go, she asked, "what happened?"

"All I have to say is that someone stronger than anyone we have ever seen has arrived. We need to get everyone else to safety," Osra told her. He stood up and looked around the field.

"Alright, but you owe me some explanation of some sort later," Mel spoke as she ran with him towards Heruseus.

"You're not killing anyone anymore! You have to stop this instance!" Ryan shouted as he threw Arso through the wall, breaking through this time.

"You're not my dad!" Arso whined sarcastically. He punched him off through the roof. As he stood up, he revealed actual battle damage. Blood gushed out from the hole in his body.

"Who's that?" Mel screamed as she watched them tear apart the cabin, "how is he doing that?!" Ryan jumped back down the hole to fight Arso.

"Long story, just keep moving!" Osra grunted as he lifted Heruseus off the ground.

"Is that you?!" Mel asked, shocked as she looked closer at Arso, who was thrown through the cabin wall to the outside. They continued fighting outside.

"Like I said," Osra grunted, "long story. Keep moving!" Mel picked up PG and began walking to the cabin.

"Am I too late or what?" Chumbus asked as he emerged from the cabin to help them.

"Where did you go?! Forget it, hurry and get Executioner! No-one's safe with the chaos out here!" Osra shouted as he lied Heruseus down onto the couch. Mel lowered PG against the wall. They all balanced themselves as the house shook with a big boom.

"Sorry," Chumbus sighed, "I'm on it."

"Mel, go upstairs and tell everyone to get these guys up there, it's not safe anywhere, but it's better if we're all together," Osra told her.

"Right," Mel ran upstairs to find everyone hiding in a room filled with fear.

Chumbus dashed outside and grabbed Executioner, the last person on the ground. He ran back to the building and dashed upstairs. He took a breath and asked, "is that everyone?"

"It should be," Osra groaned as he collapsed onto the floor, breathing heavily.

"No! Ryan's still down there fighting his life away! Someone needs to help him!" Clayton cried out.

"Calm down, once the process is over, Arso will be gone for a while," Chumbus tried to calm him down. He tried to hug him, but he pushed him away.

"He's losing the fight! Look how much his health is dropping!" Clayton pointed at the bar above Ryan. It dropped faster with every hit Arso connected.

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