TWO: Behind the Scenes pt.2

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Welcome back to this shit show! Just a quick reminder, this whole thing is optional, a looksie at what TWO was. It's really interesting in my mind to see it's growth, but it's mainly... bad. I will be commentating with bold and parentheses so anything else IS NOT ME.

Enjoy Act 2, tomorrow, I'll upload the struggles of finding TWO's true ending.

Chapter 7: A Chink in Our Armor

(This chapter had a lot more meaning (still does now, but not as much due to the majority of characters) due to the fact it contained the first character death, that being Kameron, but as I added more characters, it lost a tiny bit of it.)

Everyone from Chumbus to Keith struggled and stalled to get into their armor. Even Brett and his old group seemed nervous to go into the maze. They know they've done it before, but that was just one spot of the whole entire maze. Who knows what's ahead of them. It was like fog on a road.

"Everyone, we need to be very careful in there. Chumbus had a dream were we all get cornered in a hall way! That won't happen because we will kill everything in sight! No matter what happens, we won't ever lose sight on hope. No matter how bad the situation seems, hope will never die. We will all make it through this! We are strong! We start together! We leave together! Everyone will have everyone's back. We are all family now. That means no one is left to die. Our hope will bring us through! We will all live to see the day our families' cheer of our return, the day we will look back at the days we have spent here and laugh. We wish Westin, and many others were safely brought to the castle above us. Hope will never die!" Osra spoke out. Some people shed tears. "Onward my family!" He screamed as Fairy Tail ran through the maze.

Nothing stood against them. The high powered Fallen that brought many deaths were easily taken down by the bonds of Fairy Tail. The twists and turns wasn't a problem. Heruseus remembered to stay to the right wall until he could reach the left. We have to make it through this! No one will bring us down! Osra thought. There were people slashing and shooting arrows. A person running around disassembling all the Fallen in sight. Then the Fallen Captains came out. Captains were high powered armored Fallen that had high damaging weapons.

At first the Captains were nothing. They were slow, so most of Fairy Tail just ran pass them. The problem built up when a wall of Captains had created a barricade in the middle of the maze. The Captains the guild didn't kill piled up behind them. They were trapped on both sides.

There was a boom and more Fallen came into the already cramped hall way. The chunks of wall fell on Executioner and Lizardon, disabling them from moving and depleting their health over time. The fallen managed to disarm Heruseus and Osra while Mel's mending staff broke. Chumbus began to worry as his dream had become true. "Chumbus! Don't worry about it! Keep going!" Osra shouted.

"Chumbus! Go help them first! We'll be fine!" Heruseus shouted.

"You're doing fine Chumbus! Go help them first!" Mel screamed.

"H-Help u-us," Lizardon stuttered with all the blood in his mouth. (I always hated how I made people stutter. P-p-people don't stutter like th-th-this unless their lips are quivering as Chumbus did at the end of the story. People... others... people... often just start rephrasing or... back track and start new sentences.)

"It's not time yet," Executioner mumbled.

It began to change as this time as he realized Brett and Rachel's group was here now. Chumbus wasn't alone in this decision.

"Kate! Keith! Go help Lizardon and Executioner! Everyone else, help me defend Osra and everyone else! Stay sharp!" Chumbus ordered.

"That's my boy," Osra mumbled.

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