Chapter 17: The Destroyer of Worlds

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Chapter 17: The Destroyer of Worlds

The Hearts stared in confusion as Arso stood on the lake shore. He scratched his head until Lizardon broke the silence, "Arso's a pretty lame name."

Arso glared and pointed towards him, "what did you say?" His voice was low and raspy, signifying his older age.

"Me? Nah," Lizardon shook his head as he pointed to Executioner. He put his hand besides his mouth and whispered to him, "he has an axe." He nodded and hid behind Heruseus.

Chumbus glared, leaning forward as he spoke, "leave now, and we don't need to fight."

Arso looked to Chumbus and frowned, "who said we have to fight?"

"We're not your enemy unless you make us," Osra got up and stared at him with slight anger. Somethin ain't right here. He clenched his fist as he stood with his friends.

Arso's eye twitched as he looked at him. He smiled as he struggled to remember something,"Os-no. Fuck, oh! Hello Orsa! I think I have something of yours," Arso sneered as he revealed a tiny cage. Mel stood inside, sitting down with her head buried in her knees, wondering what to do. "All mine," Arso put it in his pocket.

"How?!" Osra grunted as he walked forward, Chumbus and Heruseus holding him back.

"Don't lose your cool bro," Chumbus stared into his eyes, filled with confusion and rage.

"I just want to know," Osra lowered their arms, "why and how." He walked forward once more, gripping his sword, but Lizardon and Executioner began pushing him back.

"Guy? Justin, Theo, stop him," Executioner groaned.

The two looked at each other and began pulling him back again,.

"Aww, does little hero need his hero friends to hold him back? Does he want his little friend back too?" Arso sneered once more. "Well, too bad, so sad. Come at me Orsa," Arso laughed as he motioned Osra to come towards him.

Osra grunted, "it's Osra. My name is Osra. Who are you, where did you get that cage, and why do you have it?"

Arso grinned, "I already told you, my name is Arso! I found this little birdie, and it's all mine."

"Josh don't listen to him!" Heruseus shouted, but Osra didn't seem to hear him.

"You're not like this!" Lizardon shouted louder, trying to break his trance.

"Hey, wanna know a secret? Ooh wee, it's a doozie! All your mouths, are gonna drop," Arso belittled the boy. "Ready? Listen to this, I am you. See my name? That's your name too," Arso nodded as if he were talking to an infant. "You've killed many people, like me. You led them good, like me. You will lose it all, everything! Your love, your family, your reason to move forward," Arso shouted as he ridiculed him, "like me."

Osra glared as he began tugging harder, prying himself from their grip. PG used her vines to grip his legs, stopping him.

"Josh stop! You're not like him at all, not in the slightest!" PG pulled harder, shouting louder than she thought she could.

"You're not him! He's taunting you!" Executioner shouted more as he pushed, he looked to Arso who stood with his arms crossed as he laughed, "you want to die dude?!"

Heruseus grunted as he tugged on him, "you don't even know this guy!"

"Let go," Osra mumbled, "he has Melody."

"We're not dumb bro," Chumbus transformed and pulled harder, "and I thought you weren't either."

"Then I'll force you to," Osra grunted as he threw Heruseus and Executioner to the side. He flipped Chumbus, then threw Lizardon into the cabin wall. He pulled PG's vines, causing her to fall.

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