Chapter 16: Hacking the System

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Chapter 16: Hacking the System

Justine turned away as Matt and Caroline ran towards the left as Josh and Thea stayed in the front. She stood with Kyle as she faced off with Chumbus and PG, "oh, so you're Chumbus. Right?"

"In this being," Chumbus gripped his demonstone as he spoke.

Kyle looked at the two awkwardly, then to PG, "y-you're me? You actually look really nice, uhh," Kyle gripped his tome harder and blushed, "shame you have to die."

"Uhm, okay," PG knelt down and touched the floor, sneaking her vines underground.

Justine roared, "that means you're the fat shit who stole my demonstone!"

"Let's hurry up and finish this," Chumbus sighed, "I'm going to miss my nap."

Justine smirked, "don't worry about that. You'll be sleeping forever soon."

Chumbus yawned, "nah." Chumbus transformed into his demon form as Justine followed. Silver spikes grew from his joints, and his skin become a scaley and silver. His teeth sharpened as he sprouted wings. Justine growled as she transformed into her golden, demonic self.

Justine grumbled with her low demon voice, "that was mine."

Chumbus grinned as he playfully made a fist with his long nails, "looks like you didn't need it anyway." He pointed towards her with his sharp nail, now a claw, "I had a feeling you had that one too."

Kyle looked at her nervously and mumbled, "Justine, remember, control yourself."

"Silent. I don't need your pointless banter," Justine grabbed him by the throat. Kyle looked at the other two with pleading eyes as he struggled to break himself free.

"Whoa! Calm down there lady! Isn't he on your side?" PG's vines emerged from the ground, wrapping around Justine's legs. Justine tightened her grip, causing the poor boy to turn blue.

Chumbus shook his head as he thought to himself. "Alright, I'll free him, so hold her as long as you can," Chumbus said as he zoomed towards her.

"She's getting stronger by the minute! I can feel her power! It's insane!" PG shouted out, struggling to hold her in place.

"Hold her still! I'm prying out Kyle!" Chumbus pried open her claws.

"She's, so, strong!" PG grunted past gritted teeth.

"A little more!" he struggled to pull out Kyle. "He's out!"

PG held her breath as she pulled on her vines, holding Justine captive for as long as she could. Justine tugged harder on her restraints, growling as she slowly began to pull herself free. Chumbus landed next to her, Kyle in his arms desperately gasping for air as he regained his color. PG inhaled as she let go.

"He was mine to collect," Justine roared as she blasted like a bullet towards PG.

"No!" Chumbus flew towards her with amazing speed. As they collided, Kyle and PG fell back due to the sudden collision of power. Chumbus looked back as he held Justine,"Kylie, get to safety and help Kyle regain health, I'll hold her off!"

"Nothing escapes my sight!" Justine threw Chumbus to the side and bolted to PG.

"I said no!"Chumbus tackled her as she stood in front of her.

PG and Kylie watched the gold and silver streaks go back and forth across the field. PG led him into the infirmary and healed him quickly with a nearby green arrow. PG thought as she finished, Why am I helping this guy? He's only a program, but still, he's the enemy. Whatever, I hope I'm not making the damn stupid mistake twice.

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