Chapter One: Boredom

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Loki was bored. Really, really, bored. And that wasn't good for anyone in Asgard. Thor and his friends knew that when Loki was bored, he was dangerous and got into more trouble than usual. And this particular morning, Loki felt really mischievous.

He already had his lessons and had free time for the rest of the day, but there was nothing to do. Thor had begged him to come train with him, but Loki said it was boring and stupid. He was too tired to pull pranks on people and he didn't feel like reading. He had read almost all of the books in his room, and the library was on the opposite side of the castle.

"Maybe I'll see what mother is doing," Loki thought. "She might help cure my boredom."

Loki dragged himself off his bed and started to search for his mother. He gave up after five minutes, however, and decided to join Thor and his friends in the training yard.

"Brother!" Thor shouted once he saw Loki sit down on a bench. Thor ran over to talk with his younger brother, ignoring the trainer's shouts to get back to work. "How are you?"

"I'm bored," Loki sighed.

"Good. You can join the others, my Prince," the trainer declared. "You need to work on your sword skills. You also cannot keep skipping your training."

"What if I don't want to train?" Loki asked.

"It will give you something to do," the trainer replied.

"You can't tell me what to do," Loki retorted.

"Your father, and my king, told me I can tell you what to do. Now, join us and work on your sword skills."

"UGH!" Loki complained and grabbed a wooden sword off the weapon rack.

Thor ran over to face Loki. "How about we have match?" Thor suggested.

"Sure," Loki replied half-heartedly and readied himself.

Thor grinned and drew his sword. Loki shifted his sword in his hand. It didn't feel right.

Thor swung his sword at Loki. Loki blocked his blow, but the sword flew out of his hand and hit the trainer.

"Uh, Oh!" the boys chorused.

The trainer turned to face the boys while rubbing his the back of his head. Thor turned red. Loki kept a blank, innocence face.

"Loki!" the trainer shouted.

"What?" Loki asked innocently.

"We are working on your sword skills for the rest of the day," the trainer replied, slightly angry.

"The rest of the day?! It's not even mid-day!" Loki whined.

"You need to practice more."

"Yes. A real warrior is good with a sword or spear," Sif cut in.

Loki rolled his eyes. He and Sif didn't get along very well.

The trainer cut between the two. "Since everyone thinks that arguing is better than training for battle, I think all of you owe me a few laps around the training yard."

The whole group complained, but they finished the rest of their lesson in silence.

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