Chapter Eight: Pregnant

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"What?! Pregnant?! But that is impossible!" Thor shouted in shock. "Only women can get pregnant. Men can't. You must not be thinking straight."

"No. Thor, you don't understand. Whatever happens in one form transfers over to the other forms. It's the rules of magic. And don't tell me I'm wrong. I've read the symptoms for pregnancy and everything dealing with shape-shifting, so it's true. If you don't believe me, we could go see a healer," Loki responded with a twinge of annoyance.

Thor pondered for a moment before replying. "If you see a healer, they would be sure to tell mother and father about it. What if you turn into a mare again and we go see one of the stable workers?" Thor suggested.

Loki looked into Thor's face. "What if I'm not pregnant? What if it's something more serious, like a terrible disease?"

Thor laid a reassuring hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "Then we'll get through it together."

Loki smiled and took a step away from Thor. Green mist wrapped around Loki as he turned back into a mare. Thor took the lead as the two brothers went to the stables to find out the truth.


"Prince Thor! What brings you here?!" a stable boy asked upon seeing the elder prince leading a mare into the stables.

Thor had to think quickly why he was here. He didn't want anyone to find out what happened to his brother. Although Thor wasn't as good of coming up with excuses quickly like his witty brother, Thor's explanation didn't seem to make the stable boy suspicious.

"I... uh... found this mare alone. It appears to be pregnant, but I don't know for sure," Thor replied.

The stable boy looked over Loki closer. "I'm not really good at figuring out these sort of things, so I'll get the stable healer."

Thor nodded and waited until the boy had left before talking with his brother. "How do you fare?"

Loki glanced over at Thor and snorted in response. Realizing that he couldn't understand what Loki was saying, Thor sat down on an overturned bucket and stared at the ground until the boy came back.

"Well, what do we have here?" an elderly man, who must have been the stable's healer, questioned.

"Well... uh... I was not sure if this mare is pregnant, so I came here for help," Thor replied and stood up.

The healer nodded and started feeling Loki's swollen stomach. Loki flinched a bit at the man's touch, but didn't say anything. The healer chuckled and slowly stood back up after a few minutes.

"Congratulations, Prince Thor. To my knowledge, this mare is five months pregnant," the healer declared and patted Loki's back.

"Will h-she alright?" Thor asked and stepped closer to his brother.

"Why, yes. Almost most pregnancies turn out just fine. Here, if you feel right here, you can feel the baby foal's heartbeat," the healer took Thor's hand and placed it on the left side of Loki's stomach.

"Would it be alright if we watch over the horse until it gives birth?" the stable boy asked Thor.

Thor hesitated to answer. He didn't want to part from his brother, but he relented once Loki gave him a small nod. "Will I be able to visit?" Thor asked.

"Yes, of course," the stable boy said.

Thor looked at his younger brother. He reached out and have him a hug. The stable boy laid a hand on Loki's back and led him to a stall.

"How long will it be until it h-she gives birth?" Thor questioned before he left.

"About four months," the healer responded and chuckled at Thor's surprised face. "Do not worry my prince, we'll make sure she is safe and well."

Thor took one last look at his brother and ran back to the castle. He had a lot of explaining to do.

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