Chapter Six: Punishment

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Frigga cried once she saw the state Loki was in. His clothes were torn and dirty and his hair was full of leaves and twigs. She ran to scoop him up into a hug and immediately started checking for injuries.

"Oh Loki! Are you alright? Where were you? The trainer said that you were not there when he came back from his break. And then you didn't come for the evening meal. Are you hurt?" Frigga questioned.

Loki looked at the ground. His legs and backside were sore but that was about it. Frigga gently pulled Loki into another hug.

"I was in the forest," Loki finally responded. "I tripped and fell down a hill."

"Did you hit your head? Why did you spend the night in the forest?" Frigga asked.

"I must have hit my head, because I don't remember anything until Thor found me," Loki lied. He didn't want his mother to find out what actually happened.

Odin suddenly burst into the room. "WHERE IS LOKI?" he boomed.

"Dear, there is no need to shout. Loki is here and he is alright," Frigga replied.

Odin strode over to Loki and looked down at him. Loki's father towered over him, causing the youngest prince to shrink back with fear. "Do you know what you have caused? Your mother and I have been worried. We had almost all the guards looking for you!" Odin scolded harshly.

"I'm sorry father. I didn't realize how many people were searching for me. I didn't think it through," Loki murmured, although he was sure that Odin didn't really care of his youngest son's well-being.

"You also need to apologize to your trainer. He tries hard to teach you how to defend yourself and Asgard. It is very rude that you waste his time by wandering off and not going to your lessons," Odin added and strode out of the hall.

Thor noticed that Loki was on the verge of tears, so he ran to hug him. "Shh. Its alright. Father just wanted to make sure you were alright," Thor consoled.

"Thor, why don't you clean up and get ready for your lessons," Frigga ordered and led Loki to the healing rooms.


Thor burst into Loki's room. Loki, who was sitting on his bed reading a book, looked up and glared.

"Brother! Father says that you have to make up your training lessons and apologize to the trainer," Thor boomed and left the room.

Loki sighed and snapped the book shut. He changed into his training outfit and stomped to the training yards. The trainer was already there, and clearly not happy.

"My king has told me of your adventure in the forest. I hope that you learned to not abandon your lessons again," the trainer said.

Loki huffed and finished his lesson in silence.

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