Chapter Seven: Sick

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Loki woke up a few weeks later with a terrible stomachache. His stomach flipped and he rushed to the bathroom. Loki was still in the bathroom when Thor burst into his room.

"Brother! Mother is worried! You slept in really late today are you well?" Thor boomed. There was no response.

"Brother?" Thor, getting worried, pushed the bathroom door open. Loki was holding his stomach while leaning over the toilet.

"Loki? Are you ill?" Thor asked and knelt beside his sibling.

"My stomach hurts. That's all," Loki responded and threw up again.

Thor held back Loki's dark hair and sighed. "I'll tell mother that you are ill. You should probably get some more rest," Thor suggested and went off in search of the queen.

Loki groaned and shakily got back on his feet. He slowly walked to the sink to clean his face.

Frigga gently knocked on the bathroom door a few minutes later. "Loki, darling, are you alright?" she asked and opened the door all the way.

"No," Loki responded and leaned on the sink. "My stomach hurts and I have a headache."

Frigga took the wash rag from her son's hands. She ran it under the water and placed it on Loki's forehead.

"You do feel a little warm. It's best if you went back to sleep. Make sure to drink plenty of water to help get rid of your fever," Frigga said and helped Loki to his bed. She brushed back his hair and kissed him on his forehead. "Get better, darling."

Loki smiled and snuggled into his bed. Frigga quietly backed out of his room and closed the door. She turned to find Thor standing against the wall.

"Is he alright?" Thor asked, clearly worried.

"He will fine after he gets more rest. Try not to make too much noise, sweetheart," Frigga said and kissed Thor on top of his head.


Every so often Loki would get sick. He felt like throwing up every time someone mentioned any type of meat. He also had cravings for salads and fruit. Even though Loki was hardly eating, he was strangely putting on weight.

"You have gained more weight, brother!" Thor shouted on day. "You are becoming more like Volstagg!"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Yes, I have noticed. You don't need to state the obvious, Thor. Now if you would excuse me, I need to relieve myself."

"But you just went five minutes ago!" Thor boomed and ran to catch up with his brother. "There is something wrong with you, Loki. After your adventure in the forest, you have been acting strangely."

Loki turned to glare at Thor. "Are you saying that I'm strange? There is nothing wrong with me. The forest incident was five months ago. I'm fine. Just leave me alone."

"No, I won't leave you alone. Some else must have happened in the forest. What are you hiding from me?" Thor grabbed Loki by his shoulders and looked down into his brother's eyes. "You can tell me."

Loki took a deep breath and looked up into Thor's determined face. "Don't tell mother or father."

"I won't. I promise."

Loki hesitated and shuffled his feet. He took another deep breath and started explaining to Thor. "In the forest, I found a team of horses. I knew that father needed a new steed to ride, so I tried to get closer to catch one. Nothing was working, so I turned myself into a horse to see if I could lead one home. I didn't know that I accidently turned myself into a mare. The lead male ended up mating with me. I didn't know. It was an accident and I know there is something wrong with me!" Loki cried.

Thor was still taking in all the information. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Wrong? What is wrong with you?"

Tears were falling as Loki replied. "Thor. I think I'm pregnant."

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