Chapter Twelve: Frigga's Wrath

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Thor didn't know what to do. Yes, his father was right for trying to prevent Loki from being humiliated, but the punishment for giving birth to Sleipnir was too much. Thor contemplated whether or not he should get his mother to talk to Odin. He didn't know where Frigga was and if he left to find her, he would've been punished more if she happened to be outside of the castle.

"No," Thor thought. "I'll talk to Loki instead. He might need me after what happened."

Thor hesitated by Loki's door. He wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't someone who was known for being good at comforting others. Thor's fingers were inches away from the doorknob when he heard a cry being cut off.

"If you have nothing better to do, you might as well come in Thor," Loki said as the door flew open.

"How'd you... Nevermind," Thor's question was cut short when he saw his brother. He was sitting on his bed after deciding that the floor wasn't the most comfortable place to be. The younger god hugged his knees closer to his chest and looked up at Thor. Loki's face and eyes were red and puffy from crying. Thor closed the door and sat next to his brother. "It's alright. Everything will be alright," Thor said gently and tried to hug his younger brother.

Loki pushed Thor's arms away from him and scooted to opposite edge of the bed. "How is everything alright?! You could've prevented father from taking Sleipnir away! He always listens to you! Why couldn't you have done something? After all, Sleipnir is your nephew!" Loki shouted.

"I know, Loki, but this whole 'uncle' thing is still pretty new to me. I doubt that even I could've prevented father from taking Sleipnir. At least he is being cared for," Thor reassured.

"Cared for?! Who knows what they are going to do to him?! Father could've had him executed!"

"Father would do no such thing. He said it himself that Sleipnir would be his steed."

"Oh like that's much better. It's perfectly fine to take your grandson and use him as a regular horse. Yes, that is much better. Who cares about whether or not Sleipnir will be humiliated?1 After all he's just another dumb animal," Loki couldn't keep the sarcasm from his voice.

"Sleipnir is not another dumb animal!" Thor gasped.

"I know that, but apparently father doesn't," Loki grumbled and hugged his knees tighter.

Thor placed his hand on Loki's shoulder. Loki slapped it away and buried his face in his knees. "Mother would know what to do," Loki muttered. "She could fix this."

"I could find mother," Thor suggested.

"No. She's in her garden. If you get her you would be breaking the rule that we are not allowed outside of the castle. That includes castle grounds. We have to stay inside so we don't get in worse trouble," Loki said.

"Why can't you send her a message or something?" Thor asked.

"That would mean that I would use magic. You heard father. Magic is for women. I'm forbidden from using it because it's a disgrace to the royal family."

Thor scratched his head in thought. "I guess we'll just have to wait to talk to her. We'll see her during the evening meal."

"Unless we're forbidden to see mother also."

Thor sighed. It was going to be a tough few months.


Frigga strode into the throne, anger radiating off of her. The guards backed away from her, leaving a clear path up to throne. Odin was sitting there upon request from the All-Mother. Odin spotted her enter and stood up to greet her.

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