Chapter Eleven: Odin's Wrath

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Loki was quite joyful to return to the castle. He missed his room and the many books in the library. His joyful mood was short lived because of the fact that he had to face his father. Odin was rather angry at the fact that Loki had skipped his training, so Loki had a sinking feeling that this probably wouldn't be much different. If anything, it was going to be worse, especially if Odin was in a bad mood.

The trio had gotten many odd stares as they made their way over to the throne room. Loki was hoping that his mother was there to soften the blow from Odin. She always seemed to know the right answer and was the only one who was able to reason with the All-Father without much yelling and arguing.

Unfortunately, Odin was in a really bad mood. He didn't like that Loki was missing for several months. He had tried demanding Thor to tell him where his brother was, but Frigga usually came into the room at the right moment and directed the conversation away from Loki. Sensing that his wife and oldest son were hiding something important from him, Odin decided to have the guards watch for signs of Loki. Thor had tried his best to keep the secret hidden, but he let it slip that Loki was in the stables after much interrogating from his father. The guards went down to search the stables shortly after Loki had fled into the forest to give birth. It was either a lucky coincidence or the Fates were on Loki's side. Either way, nothing could prevent the apparent dread of facing the All-Father.

Loki was thinking of ways to talk himself out of trouble the entire time it took to get to the castle. The guards had returned by then and led the princes to the throne room. Sleipnir, who was glued in between Thor and Loki, kept his head down and avoided eye contact. The guards took no notice of the baby horse. The walk to the throne room seemed to take forever, but it had to end eventually. A guard pushed the giant door open and lead the two princes through. Two guards positioned themselves on the outside of the door. Thor glanced over at Loki and lead the way up to where the All-Father was seated.

"Loki and Thor," Odin said, his voice full of disappointment. The brothers stood below the first step and trembled a bit from fright. "Thor, I have told you to look after your brother."

"I'm sorry father," Thor stared at his feet.

"Your apology is accepted, but you are grounded until I think of a better way for you to make up your mistakes. That means no visiting friends and you are not allowed to leave the castle. Do you understand?" Odin asked.

"Yes father," Thor replied, still staring at his feet.

Satisfied with Thor's answer, Odin directed his attention to Loki. Sleipnir was hiding behind Loki's legs and stared timidly up at his grandfather.

"Loki, how many times have I told you not to use your magic?" Odin questioned.

"A lot, but it was an accident. I didn't mean for this to happen. I...." Loki was interrupted.

"That is enough. I had forbidden you from using your magic. Magic is for women only. I will not have my son take part in a maiden's form of life."

"But father! I have a talent for magic! Why hide something that could be very useful?"

"Using magic to create creatures like this?" Odin gestured towards Sleipnir, "Is that useful? And don't tell me it was an accident. I know that you let the baby live. You could have killed it before it was born. Why let yourself suffer through the pain of bearing a child? First magic, and then this! I never thought that I would have a grandson this soon. A boy getting pregnant! Its unheard of! Magic is ruining your life, Loki. Your magic allowed this to happen!" Odin shouted.

Loki's eyes welled up with tears. He stood trembling at the foot of the throne trying to prevent himself from crying. Thor stared, agape at his father. Sleipnir whinied and pressed even further into Loki's legs.

"I do not have time to help raise a baby horse. I have more important issues to attend to. Your son..." Odin started.

"Sleipnir. His name is Sleipnir," Loki interrupted.

"He will stay in the stables. I guess he could be used as my steed since I currently do not have a healthy one," Odin beckoned for the guards. They tied a rope around Sleipnir's neck and lead him towards the door. Sleipnir was too shocked to resist so he followed without much complaint.

"NO!" Loki shouted as the doors closed. He tried running to stop the guards, but Thor grabbed hold of his brother and held fast.

"Loki, it'll only make it worse," Thor said as calmly as he could, even though his voice was shaking a little.

Loki tried fighting off his brother, but Thor's strength held him in place. Loki glared up at Odin. "How could you?!"

"It is for the best. Neither you nor I have the time to raise Sleipnir. You are too young to even experience these types of things. For that reason Sleipnir will be raised in the stables as a regular horse and I forbid you from visiting him. The same goes for you, Thor. If I find out that either of you have visited him, worse punishments will ensue. Loki, you are also grounded with the same consequences as Thor." With that Odin stood up and motioned for the brothers to leave. Loki wretched himself from Thor's grasp and ran to his room. Once his door was closed, Loki slide down and resting his head on his knees, he began to cry.

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