Chapter Five: Lost and Alone

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Loki slowly slide down the tree trunk and looked around. He had no clue where he was. The sun was already setting, sending a cool breeze through the forest. But Loki wasn't shivering because of the cold. Instead he was shaking from fright. The forests were dangerous enough during the day, but things were much more dangerous in the night. Creatures of all sizes and strength prowled around looking for food.

Loki nervously walked through the forest. His eyes darted around looking for shelter and making sure nothing was following him. He jumped when he heard a twig snap, but it was only himself. The prince hurried down a path and stopped by a stream. There was a small sheltered area near the stream, so Loki decided to spend the night in the forest. He didn't like it but he really didn't have a better idea.

His stomach growled, but there wasn't any food nearby. Asgardians could last around several months without food, so Loki wasn't that worried. He laid down on a patch of grass and fell asleep shortly after.


The young sorcerer woke up to a warm puff of air blown in his face. He brushed his disheveled hair from his face and looked up to find the source of the warm air. A soft, wet nose hit Loki's face causing him to scramble back in fear. The stallion was back and was standing above the him. Loki scooted back a few more feet before hitting a tree. The stallion advanced on the prince. Loki's breathing and heart rate sped up in terror. The stallion wouldn't stop moving forward, so Loki mustered up another ball of energy and hurled it towards the stallion's face. The stallion let out a loud neigh and ran away from Loki.

Once his breathing was under control, Loki slowly pulled himself to a standing position. The ground spun around him, so he clung onto the tree trunk for stability. He had no idea what time of day it was, but Loki was sure that his parents and brother were probably worried about him. So Loki let go of his grip on the tree and stumbled a few steps toward a small opening in the bushes. Suddenly, a loud crash and shouts of distress broke through to the clearing. Loki yelped and fell backwards as a blonde-haired creature ran through the bushes.

"BROTHER!" Thor shouted and ran to his little brother's side.

Loki let himself be pulled into a hug as his panic faded. "How did you find me?" Loki asked.

"Where were you? You have been missing for two days! Mother was worried that something terrible happened to you!" Thor cried and hugged Loki tighter.

"Thor...I...can't...breathe..." Loki choked out.

Thor realized that he was suffocating his brother in his bear hug and let go. "What happened to you?" he asked as he saw the younger prince's messed up hair.

"I..uh... fell out of a tree," Loki lied.

Thor plucked a twig out of Loki's hair and helped him up. "Come! Let us return to the castle so Mother has to worry no more!" Thor boomed.

Loki stumbled with exhaustion, but was caught by Thor. "Are you alright, brother?" Thor asked and draped an arm around his shoulder.

"I am just tired," Loki responded. He was still shaken up by having a horse mate with him.

Loki let his older brother lead the way back to the castle. He was desperate to get home and into the safety of the castle.

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