Chapter Ten: An Eight-Legged What?!

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The past few months were the longest months the royal family had ever experienced. Odin was not happy when Frigga told him about Loki, but a few assuring words from his wife calmed the king down. Thor had to endure many questions from his friends and the citizens of Asgard. Many people knew that Loki usually followed his older brother everywhere, so when Thor started going around without his sibling, countless people became concerned. Luckily it the Learning Hall was over for summer, so Loki was not missing lessons.

When Thor thought he couldn't wait any longer, the day finally arrived for Loki to give birth.

Instincts that Loki did not know he had kicked in once he started to feel a little strange. Something felt amiss, which Loki guessed could only mean he was going into labor. Normally Loki was not one for taking risks, but he did not want to stay around for the healer to come, so the young prince broke free from his stall and took off running towards the forest. Loki found a clearing and settled down in the grass.


Loki was quite shocked about how it turned out. He did not expect it to be painful, but that was not the only surprise. Loki wasn't completely sure, but he guessed that the baby would most likely be a horse. Well, he wasn't wrong. The only problem was that the foal had way too many legs. Eight to be exact.

Loki stared curiously at the baby. The foal was gray with a black mane. There was a little bit of brown at the bottom of its tail. The foal shakily tried to stand up. It took a couple of steps towards Loki, but tripped and fell on its face. Loki turned back into his real form and helped the foal up. He noticed the the baby horse was a male.

"Hey little horse. You are cute. What should I name you?" Loki thought out loud. "I got it! Sleipnir!"

Sleipnir looked up at the mention of his name. He rubbed his head against Loki's hand. Loki brushed Sleipnir's mane away from his eyes.

"We should, uh, get you cleaned up. And fed," Loki said after his own stomach growled.

Sleipnir neighed and followed Loki back to the stable. Sleipnir, who had gotten the hang of walking on eight legs, was bounding far ahead of Loki. He turned back to see if Loki was following him at the top of a hill.

Loki, who was panting with exhaustion, looked up and managed a weak smile. Giving birth a really worn him out. "Sleipnir, slow down! I need a break!" Loki called after his son.

Sleipnir turned around and trotted back to Loki. He plopped down beside him and rested his head on Loki's leg. Sleipnir's brown eyes stared up fondly at his father (mother?). Loki patted his son's head. "I think we're going to spend the night here. It should be safe enough." Sleipnir let out a little neigh in agreement and curled up beside Loki. Loki smiled and fell asleep shortly after.


Sleipnir was up long before Loki was. He was running around and neighing when Loki sat up. Loki was jolted fully awake when Sleipnir ran right into his side.

"Agh! Sleipnir! Don't do that!" Loki gasped as the wind was knocked out of him. Sleipnir ignored him and stamped four of his eight legs in an eagerness to leave the forest. Loki groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"Calm down! We're leaving soon!" Loki said and fell back onto the ground. He was still exhausted. Sleipnir, a little impatient, poked Loki in the side with a hoof. Loki pushed the hoof away and stood up. "Fine. We can leave now."

Sleipnir neighed in excitement. He was going to leave the forest! The young horse followed Loki back to the stable. The going was slow because Loki had to take several breaks, but the duo made it back before the sun was completely up.

Finally, the two broke through the trees. Sleipnir dashed ahead and started sniffing the fence around the horse pasture. Suddenly there was a loud cry. Sleipnir sprinted back to Loki and hid behind his the prince in terror. Someone was running towards them.

"Loki! " the person shouted.

"Thor!" Loki responded and stumbled toward his older brother.

Thor caught him before he fell. Sleipnir stood shaking once his cover left. He didn't like the loud person.

"Who is that?" Thor asked once he noticed Sleipnir.

"Sleipnir. Come over here. Its alright. Thor won't hurt you," Loki said softly.

Sleipnir, unsure on what to do, looked around his surroundings nervously. "Sleipnir. You're safe around me." Loki knelt down and beckoned Sleipnir towards him.

Sleipnir crept forwards and remained pressed against Loki's side. Thor stared curiously down at the baby horse. "What is wrong with him?" Thor questioned.

"Thor. There is nothing wrong with him. He's completely healthy," the younger prince replied.

"How in all the Nine Realms is there nothing wrong with him?! He has eight legs! Have you not noticed that?!" Thor exclaimed.

Sleipnir cowered under the loud voice. Loki put a reassuring arm around him. "Thor, stop shouting. Sleipnir is scared of you. I have no idea why he has eight legs, but he does."

Thor took in this information and slowly knelt down beside his brother. "So you...uh...gave...birth to him?"

"Yes, but not in this form. We need to take to the stables so he can eat. We're both starving but he needs food more than me. All we need to do is find a mare that's willing to take care of Sleipnir. I don't have the time nor the physical abilities to take care of him myself."

"So you're just going to give him away?" Thor asked and extended a hand towards the baby. Sleipnir sniffed it and allowed Thor to pat his head.

"No I'm not giving him away. It'll only be temporary." Loki responded and glanced down at his son. It was strange using the word "son," even in his thoughts. Suddenly Loki had a terrible thought. "What will father think of this?! He most likely knows that I have been missing for a few months. How will he respond if I just show up with a baby horse that I claim I gave birth too?!"

Thor rested a reassuring hand on his panicking brother's shoulder. "Mother will understand. I'm sure she will explain it to him. Mother already told him that you would be gone for a few months."

"But does he know why?!" Loki choked out.

Thor opened his mouth to respond, but closed it after realizing that he didn't know the answer.

"Ugh! I'm in so much trouble!" Loki gasped. Sleipnir looked up at his father, clearly confused on what was going on.

"Neigh?" Sleipnir asked and for some odd reason Loki understood what he was trying to say.

"Yes, you are going to stay in the stables until we figure this out. Your grandfather might not take a liking to this whole situation, but if he tries to get rid of you, I'll stop him. No matter what happens, you're my son and I will never give you up," Loki knelt down and hugged Sleipnir. Thor, not wanting to be left out of this, wrapped his arms around the two in a tight bear-like hug. "Come little brother. We should be going," Thor said, breaking the hug.

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