Chapter Nine: Awaiting Birth

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Frigga knew a lot of things. She also had a lot of experience with life, but nothing could prepare her for what her eldest son had to say.

When Thor came sprinting into her garden with a worried look upon his face, Frigga immediately knew something was wrong. She listened carefully as Thor explained, between huge gasps of air, what had happened to Loki. Never in a thousand years did she expect her youngest son to be pregnant. It would've been different if Loki was a girl, but he was a boy and boys weren't supposed to get pregnant, until now.

"Thank you, my dear," Frigga said quietly, still a bit lost in her thoughts. "Thank you for telling me. Go clean up for the evening meal while I go check on your brother.

Thor nodded and dashed off to the castle.


The walk from her garden to the stables felt quite long for Frigga, but it was long enough to settle her thoughts. She had suspected that something had occurred while Loki was alone in the forest and that he wasn't gaining weight because of eating too much, but she didn't pry for answers. Frigga didn't like that Loki had lied and kept this secret from her.

"But the past cannot be undone," Frigga thought as she entered the stable area.


To say he was surprised was an understatement. Loki did not expect his mother to be there. Thor was supposed to keep the secret hidden.

"Stupid Thor," Loki grumbled under his breath. Needless to say, he was happy that it was his mother, not his father, who came to see him.

"Loki, your brother told me what happened," Frigga said once she made sure there was no one else in the stable. Her face softened once she saw Loki's guilty face. "I am not angry, darling. I am upset, though, that you did not tell me first. I know you think that you are old enough to make important decisions on your own, but you should have came to me first. Together we could have came up with a solution to your current situation."

Loki hung his head. He never liked to disappoint his mother. Loki laid his head in Frigga's outstretched hand and let her pet his mane.

"I will have to tell your father about this. We cannot do much at the moment. The best solution is to wait this out," Frigga said and kissed Loki on the top of his head. "I will visit, my dear. Do not worry. We will get through this together."

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