Chapter 19

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A/N Thanks for all the love and big thanks to my awesome beta, Gotta! FYI...This chapter starts the beginning of some time jumps.


It was three days away from Christmas and the mall was buzzing with shoppers as they crammed the stores looking for that last minute gift. Resting against the stroller, Gibbs sighed as he counted the number of families in front of them. It was Tim's first Christmas as a Gibbs and he was bound and determined to make it as special as possible. Tim had become fascinated with the jolly man in the red suit and Gibbs thought it would be fun to allow him to meet him up close and personal. However, he was unsure of how he would react once it was his turn. All of the kids he'd known reacted differently to the bearded man and he was anxious to see how Tim would do. Although they'd already waited for a half an hour Timmy was in a good mood while he sucked contently on a bottle and watched all the action going on around him.

A lot had happened over the past month and he couldn't believe it was only a few days away from Christmas. After Ducky was released from the hospital he returned home with a full time nurse to help with his recovery. The older man had exceeded everyone's expectations and was doing quite well despite the trauma he'd been through. Metro PD had finally caught the suspect as he was attempting to flee the country and the dirtbag was now sitting in a jail cell awaiting trial.

Once Sarah returned from Texas, the entire team spent a weekend cleaning out Tim's old apartment. Gibbs retained many of the items that Sarah noted were important to her brother including rare records, photos and his beloved car. The Porsche was paid off and Sarah urged Gibbs to take it. The older man was unsure what he would do with it, as it had too many bells and whistles for his liking, but it belonged to Tim and for sentimental reasons would be hard to get rid of right away. He was also worried about how they would handle the financial situation but being the planner that he was Tim had created joint accounts with Sarah; in case anything ever happened to him she would be financially stable while she finished school. At first Sarah had refused to take any of the money, however once Gibbs explained to her that Tim obviously wanted her to be taken care of, she allowed him to give her some of it. The rest was deposited into an account that Tim could access once he got older.


A high-pitched squeal from his son thrust Gibbs from his musing and he shook his head as if to clear it. "What's wrong, kiddo?"

Tim smiled widely causing milk to dribble out of the corner of his mouth. The toddler now had a full view of Santa and pointed enthusiastically in his direction. Gibbs used his sleeve to wipe the milk off Timmy's face and crouched down next to the stroller, "You'll get your turn very soon, son. You've been such a good boy and you know who really likes good little boys and girls?" The little guy wrinkled his nose and shook his head slightly. Gibbs smiled at the adorable look on his face and tapped him gently on the nose. "Santa loves to give presents to good little boys and girls. He knows when you've been naughty or nice." Tim clapped his hands in excitement as the line moved forward and he was only a few minutes away from meeting the magical man. Out of the corner of his eye Gibbs noticed the older couple in front of them watching their interaction carefully. Ruffling Tim's hair he stood up and gave them a small smile. Realizing they'd been caught the man casually looked away, while the woman blushed and said, "What a beautiful grandson you have, dear. He's got the cutest little chubby cheeks, beautiful curls and gorgeous green eyes. What's his name?"

Before Gibbs could open his mouth to speak, Timmy proudly blurted out and motioned toward his daddy, "Dat muh Dada!"

The woman appeared confused by his statement and looked to Gibbs for confirmation. "He's your son?"

"Yes, Ma'am, Tim is indeed my son."

Clearly embarrassed by her mistake the woman blushed again and stammered, "Oh, I, umm..." Taking a deep breath she smiled sheepishly and continued, "Please accept my apology. I have to remind myself that times are changing and some people wait until they're much older to have children."

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