Chapter 22

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A/N Long chapter to make up for lost time. Thanks for all the kind words regarding this story. Hugs!


After a long nap Gibbs woke up feeling invigorated. He was starting to feel the stiffness set in from climbing the hill over and over again, but it was a good pain. Walking down the hall he peeked in Tim's room and saw that the toddler was still asleep giving him time to take a hot shower to soothe his old bones. By the time he stepped out of the shower he was feeling refreshed, a small bounce in his step as he grabbed a pair of jeans and his favorite sweatshirt out of the dresser. It was December 23rd, one day before Santa would arrive and he couldn't wait to see the look on Timmy's face on Christmas morning. He'd missed a few Christmases during his time in the Corps and he was beyond grateful that he had an opportunity to relive that magic once again. Grabbing his phone off the nightstand he dialed Jack's number, pacing back and forth across the bedroom until the older man answered, "Hello Leroy."

"Hey Dad," he paused and took a deep breath, "How's it going?"

"I'm doing okay. Ducky has been a gracious host." He cleared his throat and continued, "We talked some last night. The man is a really good listener, Leroy. I think you need to take him up on his offer."

"Dad." Gibbs growled, "My way - my time."

"I'm sorry, son. Forget I even mentioned it. You've always marched to the beat of your own drummer and I need to respect that." Sensing the awkwardness he decided to change the subject, "Did you have fun sledding?"

"Yeah, we all had a good time. I think Tim enjoyed it the most followed closely by DiNozzo."

"That's good to hear, son. I hope you took some pictures of Tim's snow adventures. I'd really like to see them some time."

"How about tonight? Ziva left her camera behind so I could look through some of the photos with Timmy. It would be nice if we could look through them together."

Jack's breathing hitched and he managed to whisper, "I'd really like that."

"I'm making meatloaf for dinner. I meant what I said yesterday, you're welcome to join us."

The elder Gibbs chuckled, "Since when did you start cooking? I don't think I can remember a time with the exception of grilling steaks that you've ever cooked a meal."

Gibbs sighed, "Times have changed, dad. I have a growing boy who needs three healthy meals a day. It's part of our routine and I must say that I'm a pretty damn good cook. If you don't believe me, ask DiNozzo, he's always raving about my cooking."

"Well I can't wait to taste it for myself, Leroy." He paused and added, "I really am proud of you."

Swallowing past the lump in his throat, Gibbs responded, "I know, dad. That's all I really ever wanted from you. To know that I make you proud and that you brag about me to all your friends."

Jack sniffled, blinking back tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't always give you the reassurance and love that you needed. That's something I'll regret for the rest of my life. I know that you'll never do that to Timothy."

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