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chapter ii:

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chapter ii:

the other mazes


AFTER A WARM, WELL-NEEDED SHOWER, I changed into a new set of clean clothes. When I finished, I stepped out of the locker room and was met with a guard. He waved for me to follow him. I walked carefully behind him, the place still keeping me on edge.

I was led into a room filled with bustling doctors. I saw Minho running on a treadmill, and Newt was sitting next to a doctor, who was filling a syringe with some liquid. The guard pointed me to seat in a chair near a familiar doctor.

"Kiara, nice to see you again," Dr. Parzen greeted, coming to stand next to me. I smiled kindly to the woman. She pulled a seat over next to me, in between the medical table and myself. Dr. Parzen took out a tray, which had several tubes and a tiny needle.

"I just need to take some of your blood, so we can run some tests," the doctor explained. Dr. Parzen pulled on a pair of latex gloves. She wiped the inside of my elbow, and pressed hard, popping the vein up.

The doctor picked up the needle and inserted it into my arm. I twisted uncomfortably, but tried to hold still. She began filling the several vials with blood. It was a large amount of blood she had to take. I peeked up, seeing Minho much father down the room then I was.

He must have felt me looking at him, because he turned his head to me. The boy's mouth curled into his classic smirk. I rolled my eyes at him, focusing my gaze back on my blood being drawn. When Dr. Parzen finished, she took the tubes and placed them on the table. The woman gave me a small piece of gauze to wipe the blood.

I rubbed my arm where the needle was injected with the gauze. "All right, we will have to continue tomorrow, because your next test will take a long time." I raised my eyebrow suspiciously. "What is it?" She smiled, stating, "You'll find out."

That's totally reassuring, I said to myself. The same guard that brought me in came back. I stood up and trudged behind me. I passed by Newt, who glanced at me. I nodded at him, before looking back ahead.

The guard guided me through the building, bringing me into a mess hall. It was mostly full, except for a couple of tables that were either half full or empty. I recognized Winston at one of the tables, talking to a couple of other boys.

What I was most surprised by was how many girls there were. The first girl I could remember was Teresa. Seeing the various girls around the room made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I had been around guys for three years, so this was overwhelming.

I grabbed a tray of food and made my way over to Winston. I sat down across from him, gaining the attention of him and two boys across from him. One had dark skin and black curly hair. The other was a little taller and had lighter skin.

"Hey, Winston," I greeted. "Hey, Kiara." I dug into my food, placing a piece of food in my mouth. "Who are you two," I asked. "I'm Jamie," the taller one introduced. "I'm Pierce," the other said. I smiled at them. A few boys came over, sitting down next to us.

I looked over, realizing it was Minho, Frypan, and Newt. "Hi, guys," I said, waving mildly at them. "Are you guys from a Maze," Minho inquired. "Yeah," Pierce answered, his face becoming sad. "What happened," I asked softly.

"It was a normal day, when all of a sudden, we heard something. And there was this big loud, explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere. Started shooting up the place." I saw Thomas come up and sit next to Minho.

"It was intense," Jamie added, taking a sip of his drink. "They pulled us out of the Maze and brought us here," Pierce finished. "What about the rest," Newt piped up. The boys turned to him. "The other people left behind in the Maze, what happened to them?"

Pierce shook his head. "I don't know. I guess WCKD still has them." I glanced at my friends around the table. "How long have you guys been here," Newt questioned. "Not long, just a day or two," Jamie answered. He turned, looking to a lonely kid in the corner of one table.

"That kid over there has been here the longest. Almost a week." I studied the short boy. He had his hood up, staring down at his tray. No one else was around him. We all turned back to our table. "His Maze was nothing but girls," Jamie said, a small smirk on his face. He looked me up and down, making me feel annoyed.

I narrowed my eyes at the boy. I was about to say something when Minho cut me off. "Really," he replied. "Some guys have all the luck," Pierce said. I whacked the Runner upside the head. "If any of you say anything like that again, I won't hesitate to rip your arms out of their sockets," I threatened.

Pierce and Jamie's eyes widened. "I wouldn't hold it against you," Minho said, rubbing the back of his head. "Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies." We all looked up to Janson, who stood at the front of the room.

"You all know how this works. If you hear your name called, please rise in an orderly fashion and join my colleagues behind me, where they will escort you to the eastern wing," Janson quickly recapped. "Your new lives are about to begin."

A few kids clapped before letting Janson call out names. Janson adjusted the clipboard in his hand. The man pulled up the black sheet covering the board, and looked back at all of the teenagers.

"Conner." A boy behind me slid his chair back, high-fiving one of his friends. "Evelyn." A group of girls gasped excitedly as one stood up with a wondrous smile.





Several kids broke out in laughter at the boy who answered to the odd name. "All right, settle down," Janson called. The room fell quiet again. "Franklin. And Abigail." Janson shut his clipboard closed once the last two kids stood up.

A series of groans were heard around the area. "Now, now, don't get discouraged," Janson reassured. "If I could take more, I would. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come." He pointed to our tables. "Come on. Eat up."

The children that had been called were lead out of the room by some guards. "Where are they going," Minho asked Pierce and Jamie. "Far from here," Pierce answered, his back still facing us. He wheeled around in his seat, meeting our faces.

"Lucky bastards." Jamie turned around, too. "Some kind of farm. A safe place," the taller boy explained. "They can only take in a couple people at a time." The Gladers all looked at each other. I didn't trust this place.

"What the hell," Thomas muttered. I turned to my friend seeing him shoot up. I turned my head in the direction he was going, seeing Teresa. I furrowed my brows. What the heck was going on around here?


There you have it. Another chappie (never used that word in my life).

I started adding songs, even if they don't entirely fit the chapter.

EDIT: I remembered that George was already a character, so I can back and changed the boy's name.

Anyway, see you in the next chapter. Buh-bye!

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