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chapter vi:

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chapter vi:

running from WCKD


I SHOT UP FROM THE DREAM, hyperventilating. I swallowed, trying to calm my gasps for air. I looked around the room, noticing it was empty. I ran my trembling hands through my hair. I had to get out of here. None of us were safe.

I planted my feet on the floor, noting that they were bare. I saw my socks and boots by the door. I came over and pulled both things on before glancing around for a way to escape. I turned my head to the ceiling, seeing a vent above the medical bed.

"Of course," I muttered to myself. I pulled my self on top of the bed, reaching for the vent. I unlatched the door, letting it swing open. I placed my hands on the rim of the hole, and pulled myself up.

Once my entire body was inside the vent, I closed the opening, to cover up my escape. I began crawling through the air ducts as quickly as possible. I had no idea where I was going, unfortunately. I could be heading even deeper into the facility, for all I know.

As I continued, I realized I couldn't stay in the vents the entire time. I searched below me for a vent cover. I found one, and unfastened it. I hopped down to the ground. I checked my surroundings before I darted down a hallway.

I continued taking turns here and there, and was luckily not found. I ran down one hallway, when someone popped out from the wall. I collided with their back, and we hit the ground. I groaned, rubbing my back.

"Kiara?" I looked up, seeing the person I crashed into was Thomas. "Thomas, hey," I said breathlessly. "Guys, come on," Thomas called. The boys all came out of the vent, seeing me. They ran over to us. "Kiara, what happened," Fry asked.

I stood up, wiping my arms off. "That doesn't matter right now. We need to get out of here," I said. "It's WCKD." They all nodded. "Yeah, we figured that out," Winston said. I raised an eyebrow. "We'll tell you later. Right now, we gotta go," Thomas said.

He began to run off when Aris spoke up. "You guys go ahead, there's something I gotta do." "What are you talking about," Thomas asked. "Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get outta here? Just go." He started to go back into the vent. "I'll go with him," Winston volunteered.

"Be careful, you two," I said. "Go! Go," Thomas half-shouted. The group ran down the hallway. "You sure we can trust this kid," Minho questioned. "You don't wanna know where we'd be without him," Thomas explained vaguely as we turned a corner.

We ran into a doctor, the one with Dr. Parzen in the mysterious room. "What are you kids doing out? And why aren't you in the medical bay," she asked, the last question aimed at me. Nobody answered her.

The lights started to flash yellow, and the alarms were blaring. Well, shuck me, I thought, glancing at my friends. Thomas grabbed the woman by the arm. "Where's Teresa?" The woman shook her head, refusing to answer. "Lead us to her, or I won't hesitate to snap your neck," I threatened, pointing at her.

The doctor gulped, but nodded along anyway. Thomas pulled her forward, as we sprinted down the hallways. I kept in line with the others, glancing back ever so often to make sure we weren't being followed.

We turned another corner, seeing a guard at the end. "FREEZE," he shouted, aiming his weapon at us. "STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" A bullet flew over our heads, hitting the wall behind us. The group turned, and went back the way we came.

"Why are they shooting at us," Frypan asked no one in particular. Minho stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Minho, what the hell are you doing," Thomas yelled. The former Runner, began bolting back in the direction of the guard.

As the guard turned the corner, Minho let out a battle cry and kneed the man in the chest. He was sent flying into the wall, and was knocked out. The Gladers and the doctors ran over to the guard's limp body.

"Shit, Minho," Newt commented. Thomas grabbed the gun from the guard's hands, checking if it was still loaded. "Let's go," he said, getting behind the doctor and pointing the gun into her back.

We kept going, until we finally reached the medical bay. The doctor opened the door. "Doctor Crawford, are you here to-." The person was cut off as Thomas pushed the woman through the door, the rest of us following after.

"Where is she," Thomas demanded, aiming the gun at the WCKD employees. They raised their hands up and backed into the wall. I saw Doctor Parzen in the huddled group. My eyes narrowed at the woman. "WHERE IS SHE!" They all looked to a bed secluded from the rest of the room.

Thomas handed Minho the weapon, who aimed it back on the scientists. "Get down! Get down," Minho ordered the people. They dropped to their knees, following his command. "Okay, hands. Give me your hands," Newt yelled, bringing out a piece of fabric.

He tied Doctor Crawford's hands together. "You're never gonna get away with this," she said. "Oh shut up," I growled. "Why are you doing this? We are only trying to help you," Doctor Parzen pleaded. I met her eyes.

Flashes of her telling the nurses to put me under went through my mind. A flood of anger took over me. I grabbed a scalpel form a nearby table. I picked up the woman by the collar and pushed her against the wall, the tool against her neck. Everyone yelled in surprise.

"What did you do to me," I said darkly. She shook her head, fear in her eyes. "TELL ME," I screamed, my voice strained. "I wasn't trying to hurt you, Kiara," she answered. I threw her to the floor. Before I could attack her again, someone held me back by my arms.

"Hey, hey! Stop," Newt said, but I continued to struggle against his grip. He spun me around, grabbing my shoulders. "Listen to me, Kia. Listen. Calm down," he whispered. I took heavy breaths, before collapsing into his arms. "It's okay, it's okay," he said, hugging me.

"Guys? They're coming! Where do we go," Frypan yelled out. I detached myself from Newt. He glanced around the room for something. "Frypan, move," Newt yelled. He flipped over one of the small tables, and he and Fry pushed the table into the corner with the door.

A couple guards pushed the door right as the table had been placed. "Get back, get back," Minho said, pushing everyone behind him. The guards were stuck, trying to push the table out of the way. "We gotta get out of here," Minho said, still aiming the gun towards the door.

"Where do we go," I yelled. Thomas grabbed hold of a chair, and threw it against a glass window. The chair bounced against it, not affecting the glass. The guards were almost through. "Newt, help," Thomas said. The blond took another chair. They both hurled the chairs at the window, which smashes into a million pieces.

"Go, go, go," Thomas said to the rest of us. Teresa quickly laid a blanket across the broken glass. Thomas grabbed the girl bridal style, and placed her on the other side of the window. "Come on, come on," Thomas encouraged. The rest of us jumped over the wall.

Once we had all made it over, Minho tossed Thomas the weapon and hurdles the wall. We ran towards a door on the back. "Stay behind me," Thomas ordered. Thomas opened the door, and was face to face with a guard. The boy shot the man in the chest, who was enter flying backwards. The guard twitched, as the weapon was set to stun.

"Shit," Thomas muttered. "Come on," he yelled, as we stared running. We surged down the hallways searching for an exit. The group made another turn, and I saw a door. "There it is! There it is," Thomas pointed out.

A robotic voice was speaking above us, but I couldn't make out what it was saying. When we made it to the dork, Thomas pulled out a keycard and tried swiping it. The card was denied. "Come on. No, no, no, no," he said, continuing to swipe the card.



There we go.
Anyway, see you in the next chapter. Buh-bye!

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