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chapter ix:

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chapter ix:

☇the scorch


MY EYES FLICKERED OPEN, dim light invading my vision. I stared at the stone slab above me, recalling last night's adventures. I lifted my head up from my bag, looking at my surroundings, which weren't much to look at, I have to say. 

The group had sheltered under a protruding rock, which must have been a floor at some point. Beyond our little area, the world was blocked by several fallen pillars. I positioned myself on my knees looking around at the group. 

"Hey! Hey, get outta here!" I turned my head, seeing Thomas wave a crow away from our supplies. His shout woke everyone else up. A few groaned, sitting up from whatever uncomfortable position they were in.

"Are they gone," Newt asked Thomas, who searched fro any signs of danger. "Yeah, I think we're safe for now," the brown-haired boy answered. "We should get moving. Let's pack it up." Thomas grabbed his pack from the floor. 

I followed his actions, slinging my pack over my shoulder. A pained groan was heard behind me. I turned, seeing Winston clutching his stomach. "Hey, man. You okay," Fry questioned, reaching his hand down to Winston. The boy gave Fry a wavering smiling, before taking his hand.

Frypan pulled him up carefully. I walked over to the two. "Come on, you guys. We better move our shucking butts if we want to get to the mountains," I said, putting my arms over both of their shoulders. Both boys were taller than me, so I had to stand on the tips of my toes to reach them.

They chuckled at my comment. We began walking, Winston and I side by side, Fry behind us. I looked at Winston. "Hey, Win, if you need anything, just let me know," I said to him. "I'll be fine, Kiara. No need to worry," he reassured me. I rolled my eyes.

We crawled up the floor that was covering us, revealing ourselves to the bright sun. I blinked away the sunspots that invaded my vision. I looked ahead of me at the abandoned city. Debris littered the streets, dust being kicked up by wind. Destroyed buildings towered above us. Not a single sound but our footsteps and the wind could be heard.

The group walked down a long road that led through the city. "What the hell happened to this place," Fry asked no one in particular. "I don't know," Newt spoke. "It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time."

"I hope the whole world's not like this," Aris wished. "It probably is, if the sun really scorched the entire planet," I said. "Well, thanks for the optimism," Minho remarked. "What? You have to admit, I've got a point," I told him.

"Whoa, hang on. Stop." We all turned to Thomas who had drifted to the back of the group. "Do you hear that?" The place was quiet, except for a rough humming that sounded very far off and like a copter. But why would someone be out here of all places? My eyes widened in realization.

"Get down! Everybody, hide, hide!" The group sprung into action, looking for a spot to take cover. I saw a decaying block that covered an spot on the ground, just enough for all of us to fit inside. I dove under, huddling to the wall of the fallen block. The rest of the group rushed after me.

A large freighter flew above us, two helicopters flying below it. "Shit," I muttered. "Well said," Newt whispered to me. I gave the boy a stern glare, now was not the time. The trio of aircraft flew farther into the city, away from our hiding spot.

"They're never gonna stop looking for us, are they," Minho said. We slowly climbed out of the block. "Well, where do we go now," I asked, looking at the others.


The group cam across a large pile of rubble. The heat was slowly getting to me, my body sweating buckets. "Come on guys," Thomas encouraged, starting to climb the rocks. I stifled a groan, but followed the others.

I stayed second to last of the group, stepping onto the rocks. As I climbed up, I heard coughing behind me. I turned around, seeing Winston leaning on a rock. I stepped down a couple of places, standing next to him. 

"You all right?" He nodded sluggishly, his body slumping. His breaths were scratchy, as if his throat was full of sand. I pulled my bag off my back, rifling through it. I retrieved my water bottle, handing it to him.

He shook his head, denying my offer. "Win, you need it more than I do. Just take it," I ordered. He reluctantly took the water bottle from my hands, unscrewing the cap. He drank only a little of the water, but instantly looked refreshed. "Better?" "Yeah," he said, his voice coming back.

I smiled at him. "Come on. Go in front of me," I gestured at the rocks in front of me. Winston smiled at me gratefully, before continuing to climb. I brought up the rear of the group. 

I noticed how slow Winston was going. The boy continued to clutch his stomach, trudging up the rocks. He didn't look like he could move much further. When we reached the top of the debris pile, he paused for a minute, catching his breath.

I adjusted my bag to my right shoulder before placing my left arm around Winston's middle. "What are you doing," he asked. "Helping you, you shank," I replied. I stared up at the group, who started to climb up a sand dune. 

I glanced to Winston. "Think you can make it?" He looked unsure. "Come on, dude. I'm right here. Let's get up there," I encouraged. The injured boy gave me a wavering smile. We started up after our friends.

Climbing a sand dune was difficult in its own. Half-carrying Winston was even harder. Our feet slipped under us, the sand rolling. I struggled to keep myself upright. "Almost there," I panted, heaving Winston up.

I let him stand on his own, so I could rest for a bit. I stared out on the horizon. Thomas pointed to the mountains in the distance. "Those mountains, that's gotta be it," he declared. "That's where were going."

"It's a long way off," Newt pointed out, looking to Thomas with uncertainty. I looked at Winston, not sure if he was ready for this. He looked dazed. "Win," I said, but he ignored me. He started to walk forward, but his body collapsed. "Win," I shouted. 

I caught the boy before he hit the ground, holding his head on my legs. The others rushed over. Winston wheezed, his eyes tightly shut. "Winston, come on, wake up," I begged, examining him. His skin was pale and he looked even more sick.

"Winston! Winston," Frypan half-yelled, trying to get his friend up. "He's hurt pretty bad," Thomas noted sadly. "What do we do," Teresa looking at all of us. "Winston, can you hear me," Newt asked the unconscious boy.

I didn't know what to do. Panic filled my thoughts. I lost too many friends already. I refuse to lose another.


I'm sorry for not updating on Monday. I am stressed with school and homework and I have been busy lately, so I am sorry.

I'm going to get on a schedule of updating every three to four days so I can manage my time better.

Also, I just got braces. I know, I'm 14 and just now getting braces. They are not fun.

Anyway, see you in the next chapter. uh-bye!

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