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chapter xi:

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chapter xi:

brenda and jorge


STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. The same word went through my head again over and over again. Of course Newt didn't like me like that. He only saw me as a friend. When I was in the Glade, everyone joked about how we were in love. I guess no one ever realized how one-sided it was.

The group traveled through the Scorch, the sun beating hot against our necks. It seemed like nothing but a wasteland, with the cracked surface and rough terrain stretching out for miles. The mountains lay far in the distance, not looking much closer than before.

My throat was dry, like the sand that rolled beneath my shoes. We all walked quietly across the plain, not saying a word to each other to save our breaths. I watched as Minho chucked his canteen away.

I walked up to the black haired boy offering him some of my water. Minho gave me an unsure look, as if he was making sure he could have it. I nodded, letting him drink some of the water before handing it back to me. "Thanks," he said. "No problem."

Hours later, and the mountains seemed like they were still a long way off. All of us lay in a close circle, resting on our bags beneath the night sky. I closed my eyes, letting my head fall back on my pack.

I slept peacefully for a while, when all of a sudden, a voice interrupted my rest. "Hey guys, get up!" My eyes flickered open, adjusting to the darkness. "I see something," I heard Thomas say. I pulled myself up from the lying position, my mind a little foggy from sleep.

A hand reached out to me, and I took it, realizing it was Teresa's. "Thanks, Terry," I said, smiling at her. "It's lights," Thomas said, pointing to a spot in the distance. I squinted, seeing the lights. "We made it," Newt breathed.

A crack of thunder sounded, making us all spin around. I turned my head up, seeing the dark clouds lighting up by flashes of lightning. One lightning strike hit the ground nearby, a little to close for my liking.

"Let's go. We gotta go. Come on," Thomas ordered. I grabbed my bag and slung over my shoulder quickly. The group started to run away from the storm.

We sprinted across the field, dodging lightning strikes all around us. "Hurry," Thomas yelled to the group, as we bolted towards the lit building. I glanced behind me, seeing the terrifying storm.

A bolt of lightning split the sky right behind me, as a small yelp left my throat. "Go, Kiara! Run," Teresa shouted back to me. I sped up, catching up with the others. "Keep moving! Come on," Thomas encouraged us.

"Let's go," Minho called. I breathed heavily, pumping my legs to move faster. "Come on, Teresa," Thomas hollered to the girl, who had been lagging behind. He ran back and pushed her forward to the others. "We're getting closer," Minho pointed out.

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