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chapter xv:

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chapter xv:

☇through the tunnels


BRENDA BEAMED HER FLASHLIGHT AROUND THE ROOM. We were completely locked off from getting back to the surface. I swallowed the panic that was coming up. "No, no. How are we gonna get back to the others," Thomas asked, desperation in his tone.

"Relax," Brenda reassured, "I'm gonna get us out of here." She pulled her backpack onto her lap and zipped it open. She pulled out two flashlights. "Here." Brenda threw one to me and the other to Thomas. I flicked the device on, searching for a way out of the confined room.

"Why are you helping us," Thomas asked. I nearly face-palmed at his question. Didn't anyone ever tell you curiosity killed the cat, I wanted to say. 

"Trust me, its not my idea. I probably would have just taken Kiara and left the rest of you," Brenda replied. I felt my heart slightly swell with pride, though I wasn't sure why. I wouldn't leave my friends behind, so that never would've happened.

"Jorge seems to think you guys are our ticket to the Safe Haven," the girl continued. "The what," Thomas said, his brows scrunching together. "You know, paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection."

Brenda swung her backpack of her shoulder. "Supposedly, the Right Arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes, anyway." My heart sunk at her last words. Brenda told me earlier she wasn't Immune, and nobody knew what I was, so we both might be stuck here.

The other two stood up, and I followed suit. "And you know where that is," Thomas inquired. You think they would be here if they did, my mind retorted. "No," Brenda answered.

We walked down a dusty hallway, seeking and escape route. Brenda aimed her flashlight on a grate. She walked up to it, leaning over. "But, Jorge knows a guy," Brenda added. "Marcus. He used to smuggle kids up into the mountains."

She threw away a wood frame covering the grate. "If Jorge made it out, that's where he'll be taking your friends." "If he made it out?" I took a deep breath to not let myself snap at Thomas for all his asking.

"You know what, you ask a lot of questions," Brenda pointed out, looking at Thomas. I snorted, but started to cough when dust went up my nose. "Can you guys just come over here and help me with this? Please."

Brenda looked exhausted from all the running and stress. I nodded, walking past Thomas to aid her in lifting up the grate. Thomas approached as well, stooping down next to the two of us. We all grabbed part of the vent cover.

Using our combined strength, we pushed the grate up against the wall. I looked down into the hole we uncovered. A distant shriek of pain vibrated through the dark cave. "Well, that doesn't sound good," Thomas voiced my thoughts, looking up at Brenda and I.

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