Insane mind

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Lance POV
" alright paladins remember the plan!"
Allura shouted into our coms.
" yup"
Shiro said
"Yeah, yeah"

Keith said in a sarcastic tone
" yuppie "
Pidge said excited
" yes"
Hunk said worried.
I don't respond. Not knowing how to respond. There a lot of emotions going on.
" ok team, pidge, keith go and find some important information hunk and I will go and try to cover you. Lance stay and watch the lions"
Shiro said in his leader voice. I just nodded not really knowing the emotion at the moment. Keith was angry, pidge was excited, hunk was worried, and shiro was be clam. I didn't really know which one to chose. So I chose Keith's emotion.
" hey, why dose mullet get to go with pidge!!"
I yelled back trying to copy Keith emotion and using that nickname I called him. I do that with everyone.
Shiro s space dad
Pidge's gremlin
Keith's mullet
Hunks big guy
Corals mustash
Allura is princesss
" lance !! I don't want to ague with you rn I told you your mission do complete it!"
Shiro yelled back. I think that I did something wrong but I didn't know what. Keith was angry so wasn't I supposed to be?
I just nodded in response trying to pick up another emotion to use.
Finally we got into the ship.
" alright, team let's go! Lance stay here!"
Shiro said pointing to me. I nodded not wanting him to be more angry at me. Once they ran off I went into all the lions and shut the cameras off so if I do find someone my team won't find out. I finally went to blue and got my knife when I heard the doors open and a galra soldier walk in. I ran out side and nocked him out. Then I tied him up.
Then he started to open his eyes.
" ok, start talking!"
I said in a serious voice.
" I will never talk to you!"
Then he growled back at me. I then grabbed my knife from my belt and stabbed his shoulder with it then twisted the knife while it was still in his shoulder. He screamed.
I removed the knife and asked him again.
" talk"
He told me when zarkon was planing to invade another planet and which one, he also told me that zarkon has a son named lotor who's almost at age to rule , and useless things like he called his best friend a wich, and other meaning less things.
" there I told you now let me go!"
He yelled at me. I shock my head in response.
" see if I do that you will tell your officer and he will tell the general then the commander then zarkon and I don't want to get caught do we now!"
I said quite excited for what will happen next. I lifted up his head with my knife. Then I stabbed him in the throat to limit the screams.
" lance?"
Keith was on the intercoms I forgot to turn it off SHIT.
" umm... hi .. Keith how much did you hear?"
I asked calmly. There was a big beep then it shut off. Well I better finish up. I thought
" ok let's make this quick, I had more planes but I guess That will have to wait till next time."
I said stabbing him in the arm, leg chest and stomach 5 times then I cut off his arm and shoved my knife up the cut and twisted it.
" lance!"
I jumped at that. The voice came from be hind me. I looked behind me and saw my whole team in shock.
" umm... hey"
I said standing up and waving to them with the knife in my hand and blood everywhere.
" lance .... what.... happened?"
Keith asked. I could see the fear in his eyes. I just shrugged.
" he walked in to where the lions were and then I knocked him out. Then tided him up, then I asked him to talk and he did after I stabbed him in the shoulder, then when he was done I stabbed him in the throat, arm. Leg, chest,Stomach, and then cut off his arm."
I said smiling like I did something good. I thought the team was going to thank me but I didn't get a thanks.
" lance explain"
Shiro said in his serious voice.
" ever sense I was 5 I've been wanting to kill. And I've been emotionless to everything. And I just copied your emotions but mostly Keith's during missions. But in your words I'm a psychopath"
I said proud of who I am.
Keith then stabbed me through armer
" I hate you "
That was the last sentence I heard.

(A/n) hey guys, girls , non binary peeps
I hope that you liked at. Please please give me feed back on my work. I always love feed back. Also suggest one shots for me to do. Thanks ❤️

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