Trust for a lifetime

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Trust is key to life
Some people don't trust others
Some people trust too much, so others use that to their advantage.
Through out lances life he's always trusted so easily even when he's been broken so many times. Now today is just like any other day.

Voltron has finally defeated zarkon once and for all.
The losses and wins were hard but yet Voltron kept moving forward.

The team decided to celebrate on keeping the universe safe from evil. With a grand party on earth. With aliens from that farthest parts to right next plant, they arrived to congratulate the team on their victory. Lance stood on the side while the others rejoiced. Hunk offered him food but he denied that. So the team left him alone through to party.

Lance walked out hoping none would notice, to his advantage none did. He made his way down the hall with his fire red cape flowing past him as he walked . Soon tears ran down his beautiful tan face, leaving streaks of pain seeping through his mask.

Soon lance stoped and collapsed under his own feet to the carpeted floors around him. The tears didn't stop only cane down faster then before. The similar feeling of vomit filled his body as he held his mouth to not release, for then  everyone would then see his pain and weakness.

Lance trusted many who betrayed him in the battle, yes he flirted but he really thought that they could love the version of him he can't get out. Yet he didn't care for the genders that much no but he still wanted to have someone trust him too. As he witnessed his own teammates, friends almost die . The overwhelming pain that had made him feel so numb exploded like a volcano without lava.

The sobs that escaped his lips were nothing but pure pain. The tears acted like acid down his tan cheeks. His baby blue eyes turned as red as his cape that covered his fragile figure. With the sound of laughter just on the other-side of the  wall the tears didn't stop. The lightheaded boy soon passed out with hurt and hatred.

His trust in his teammates has disappeared, not one of them noticed he was gone. Not one tryed to stop the the men from dragging his body to a bed room while still passed out. Not one of them cared to hear the screams as the men  brutally abused, raped, then murders the red Paladin. When his murdered left lance could feel the blood pooling around his body, knowing his mother would never forgive herself when she didn't do nothing, team would blame themselves and try to move on with the guilt they would carry.

With lances last breath he closed his eyes and relaxed with thoughts of the stars and the ocean. With rain on his face he could almost feel it. Puddles with ducks , the sound of laughter from his cousins. The lance , lover boy, red Paladin has left the universe. With the worst good bye ever.

The family he trusted

Killed there own uncle

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