The voice to never speak

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Oh lance
The wild, obnoxious, funny, heart of Voltron paladin.
His voice could make anyone's mole on the inside

But what if there was an accident where he lost his voice

And not just temporary


This is how it happened.........

K "shiro there's to many of them!!!"
S" Keith we're almost done here!"

Currently lance and Keith were fighting 20 soldiers because shiro, Pidge and hunk were getting information from the galra which could destabilize zarkons ship.

P" guys were 1.03357568% away from completion, just a few more ticks hold on"

Hunk was working with Pidge and shiro was panicking because the way Keith and lance were breathing it sounded like there in real trouble

P"shiro lance is in trouble!!!!"
S"on it!"

Lance POV

Blood everywhere!

It's hard to breathe
I can taste blood on my mouth!

I look up at Keith just to see his eyes widen with fear. He grabs his throat and I gently raise my hand to mine I could feel liquid flowing down my hand.


I put pressure to the wound on my throat and I tryed calling for help.

I can't talk

Keith came running over.

K"lance?...... are you ok?"

Are you ok?
Really Keith if you haven't noticed my throat is bleeding and there's preferably a huge gash on my neck so yeah I'm doing fine!

My vision went all black.

Keith POV

Lance oh god LANCE!

His limp body is laying in my arms.
In the distance I could hear metal clashing I look up to see shiro running.
I pick lance up and shiro stops dead in his tracks. We stair at lance for 15 ticks but then I click back into reality first.

K" shiro we need to get lance to the healing pod! His throat is slashed and I don't think he will be ok for much longer!"

I shouted at shiro, he looked at me and the shock his head.

S" yeah your write Keith come one the Pidge is done and there starting  to head there lions, you take lance and I'll carry the blue lion."

I nodded and started following shiro to our lions.

Lance for God's sake please live!

I looked at him. There is blood everywhere on him and me.
I run into my lion placing lance down and grabbing the spare first ad kit that all the lions have. I grab gaze and bandages to press to the wound.

I take the gaze and try to clean up some blood around the would to see where I need to put pressure to.

Oh god

The would is really deep, hopefully it didn't cut his breathing tube ( Idk what it's called !!!😞) I started rapping bandages and my heart rate speeds up.

( Time skips by random pick up lines)

Nones POV

P" ummm.... guys?"

They all look at Pidge expect Keith.
He knew that Lance's vocal cord have been cut because of how deep the wound was.

He will never hear that boys beautiful laugh, nor his flirty voice towards everything with legs it did make him smile but he would never admit that to lance, nor his moans that he imagined in his head and hoping to hear one day.

Keith drops to his knees and starts sobbing in his hands. Shiro comes over and try's to confort him

K" shiro its all my fault!"

Keith was such a mess. His eyes were red and puffy and he was shaking.

S" no keith it's not your fault"

Shiro was rubbing circles on his back to clam him down

K" shiro lance will never be able to talk again!!!!!"

Shiro sighs. Pidge comes over with some tissues and a crying hunk. Hunk was also mess but Keith was worse. Yes hunk was Lance's bud but everyone knew how much lance meant to Keith. He didn't care about his rivalry heck he never wanted one. He dropped out because of this and when he met lance again he hoped he forgot. Yes he argues with lance but he dose it playfully but lance sometimes took it to far. That's another thing he will miss. The playful agurments he has with lance.

While lance was in HD pod the whole castle got quite. And nobody liked the quite but that's the silence that they have to get used to for now on.

( yes I know it's horrible but I tryed and I would love for feed back so I can make them better for you guys to read!!!!!!   So please???)

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