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It all started at a meeting to discuss plans on new alliances for the defeat of zarkon. Lance was waring a blue altean shirt with silver jewelry and a cape with a picture of blue on the back with the words " may the odds come with justice " in altean.

Next to him was Keith who was waring red armour with a red cape with the picture of red on the back and the words" may justice bring you back home "
Pidge was waring a dress similar to alluras but green and yellow with a green cape with her lion on the back with the words" the fate of the world Lays in your imagination " in altean.
Hunk was in the kitchen cooking with coran who were waring chief outfits, hunk had his cape oh his chair which was absent.
Shiro was next to allura in a royal knight uniform had the addition to the cape which had back and the ready of the lions on the back. The words " Voltron " was engraved into the uniform in the form of golden blue.

Lance could hear chattering around the table while they all waited for food. The placing was very similar to the castle but under further inspection extremely unique. The blue and pink jewels around the table and light green silk curtains with golden borders had put a safe relaxing space to the whole room.
The Paladins were all silent for the discussion had nothing for them to say. Hunk and coran soon brought out the meals which looked not very appetizing to say the most , but for everyone else they were very intrigued to the meal set out infront of them. The meal was dished as many complimented the food and thanked the Paladins to join them .Lance finished his meal eating very little for the lack of appetite in his stomach and listened to the conversation.
          Lance mostly for the meeting looked at the decorations that were stunning to his option. The lack of movement brought numbness to his legs and muscles in his core. The need to move was very frustrating for him to comprehend or ignore. The sounds of chatter and laughter drowned lances thoughts into an intoxicating mess, the name ' blue plaladin' snapped lance out of his trance. The entire table was silent had they now idea that the Paladins were to be spoken too. " blue Paladin were very happy to have you in the greatest gathering, and for that my people would gladly offer any help to you" the Akron bowed which lance bowed back. Allura spoke on his behalf when lance was about to thank the Akron. " thank you , I bet all the pal-" before allura was able to finish the Akron spoke again." The blue Paladin is who we worship, so it is the blue Paladin only who should except and receive our offer to any extent" allura when silent after that with a confused face but very little difference. The Akron motioned for lance to come over to him. Lance looked at allura who then nodded for him to proceed. Lance stood up from the table and walked over to the Akron who stood up as well. Lance began
To kneel when he was stopped. The Akron and his guest both knelt before him. Lance was very confused at this point. Soon the both stood back up handing him a box and a knife with jewelry rapped around the handle. Lance kept looking at the akron the entire time till he said " you are our family now blue Paladin,and as long as you stand up against evil we shall have hop in freedom to our people." Everyone except the Paladins started clapping. With confusion written all over his face lance walked and sat back down in his seat. As soon as the clapping stopped the conversation continued with the night falling in its path. The Paladins we to stay in huts outside there lions under the stars. The meeting became a closed door near 11:40 at night when the alliances made were fair for both sides.

Al the Paladins were fast asleep in there separate huts. Deep in sleep none could hear the screams . None could have seen the attack or the after math if the torure put on to the pot young soul. The fact that none saw only made themselves want to have him more. For the next week the attacks continued onto the poor paladin. Lance kept telling them but the only response was that they were insulting the allies and should stop.

The leader new this would happen and on the last day he planned to keep the paladin for himself. His selfish ways was the most devastating moment that lance has ever experience, and he has witnessed death of others.

Late in the night , when the full moon rises to the centre on the sky lance waits in his bed fear covers his body as horror plants it's face on his. The steps of the leader aproches the locked and barricade door. With a swift move the door was open and the horror of the dark evil thing was in lances veiw but this time with a needle. Lance begins to scream but his mounts is covered with the same thingy that tourchered his brutal mind and body, bending it to his will. The large metal needle was stabbed into his neck the pain of the metal entering his skin passes him out.

The neck morning lance wakes up in his own bed in the ship, his body felt fine. The hunger grew in his stumach as he felt like he was starving. Getting out of bed and throwing on his rob, noticing that it's too small. Thinking nothing if it lance heads down to the kitchen hunger becoming more violent in his stomach. The others stayed silent as they saw a inhuman bolt to the kitchen and devour the food supply.

      Horror planted on the paladins faces, the red percing eyes filled with Hunger staired back at them, goo dripping down the face of the creature like an animal, he was an animal.

     I No longer human in not sort of way , the once blue paladin has been trans formed into the horrid beast that was a monster to look at.

       Springing into action, they started to attack the animal in the kitchen, destroying everything in there path. Put hatred evolpt them till there blood pressure skyrocket.

       Blood from the creature splattered the kitchen as lance felt fear as his life slipped away from him by his own friends, his second family, his home.

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