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Lance has a secret..... he's bi

He hasn't told he team yet but he hopes that they don't act the way his family did. Lance has constant dreams about different ways they sound react there all bad.his parents disowned him right before he got to the garrison, he had to stay at hunks house till they were set off. When they reached space he thought that it would be different, that they would accept him. But Boi was lance wrong, 3 planets have now refused to see any of that ' behaviour ' in the Allance with them. Allura agreed and so did everyone else, which made lance think that there agenst the thought of it.

Hiding all the colourful items from his teammates in his room wasn't as hard as he thought it would be, they respected each other's boundaries.

But apparently the others did not.

During one semi important meeting, lance was bored and tired of the insults on the LGBT community. Then again they just refurred to the community as ' sinful'

Leader " did you know that 2 more of my people were found out to be apart of that sinful group!"

Allura " oh dear really, well I guess that they can be found anywhere now"

Lance tried to hold in his anger .

Leader" I know, I mean of course I had to banish them from my planet. There faces full of school when I told them to leave, barely able to pack there things. And then with items left behind. Burn them all I say!"

A small chuckle went around the table and soon drowned out.

Coran" well I remember I time when those were considered normal-"
Allura cut the man off half way through his speech.

Allura " well those were years and years ago"

Allura and a small laugh

Leader" well yes , but now we have them all thinking that they are privileged beasts who deserve the same rights when those sinful acts are committed"

Allura" well-"

The doors to the hall were slammed open as all heads turned to the guard walking to the table with a bag in his hand. Lance was very familiar with the bag.

Remembering where it was left made lance angry.

Leader" oh captin gongor! What have you found?"

The ' gongor' dumped the articles of the bag out on to the table, lance standing up ready to catch the articles before they hit the table was was very much to late. A silent gasp left the table and the leader if the planet was fuming. Lances face went pale white as he was tackled down by two guards in the room. A white cloth like fabric was rapped tightly around his mouth.

Allura" what is the meaning of this! Let him go! These articles don't tell us anything!"

Shiro and Keith both stood up and were in postitions to fight within matter of seconds. Hunk covered his mouth at the manhandling of lances body. Lance was then pushed to his knees and a gun to the back of his head. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his eyes grew wide and his body froze in fear. Everyone froze. Guns were pointed at them.

Leader" I will show you what your kind deserves!"

Lances face was in pure fear of whe weapon behind his head.

Allura " sir! Can we please talk through this!"

Tears were now down alluras face as the realization of what is about to happen sunk in to her mind. Pidge was hiding behind hunk probably scared out of her mind, her father and brother are gone and she's about to witness the death of her friend. Keith was straight faced ready to pounce on the guards if one or them moved an inch.

Leader" what's there to desucuss! My people would not liked to be saved from zarkon by those sinful beasts! They must all die!"

The leader signaled for the guard to fire and within seconds, Keith knocked down the guard thinking that the fire didn't fire.

Lances stumach began to bleed as it pooled at his feet. The pain made lance pass out from the burning skin and ripped skin.
Falling to the side of the floor lances life soon left him as the shouts of the team echoed around him. The comforting souls of familiar voices made lances death less painful. As his body was rushed to the coropods his eyes chit and his breathing stopped.

They pronounced lance McLain dead

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